23 Intriguing Email Signature Statistics To Know (2025)

Email Signature Statistics

Email signatures are powerful marketing tools that should be used by companies looking to engage customers through email marketing. Email signature statistics show us the importance of professionally articulating your current employment, title, and general contact information.

A personal email signature needs to include (although not mandatory), a photo, a phone number for contact, website address, and social media icons if applicable.

Having a professional email signature can go a long way in branding your message and increasing reply rates if you are employed. Employing email signatures across all individuals in the company can increase its overall brand recognition.

Now, let’s take a look at what the numbers have to say about the importance of email signatures.

Contents show

Key Email Signature Statistics (Editor’s Pick)

  • 62% of marketers and business owners use their email signatures to promote their brands.
  • 48% of marketers use email signatures to bring traffic to their websites.
  • Almost all (98%) people use their name in their email signature.
  • Only 23% of companies evaluate the effectiveness of email signature marketing.
  • 73% of people use email signature generators to create a branded email signature.
  • For 82% of respondents, brand awareness is the main purpose of email signature marketing.


Email Signature Usage Statistics

1. 66% still use email as their primary business correspondence.

(New Old Stamp)

Even though there are numerous social media platforms today, email still remains the primary form of communication in the business world.

Two-thirds of employees still consider email to be the most important asset in their daily business communication.

With 11%, social media comes in second place for the most used platform to interact with customers.


2. 25% of employees use instant messaging apps to communicate.

(New Old Stamp)

Surprisingly, even though email remains the primary tool for communication, employees state that they use instant messaging apps to interact with other coworkers.

A quarter of all employees stated they’d prefer instant messaging rather than email communication to converse with their fellow coworkers.


3. 82% of digital marketers use signatures for brand awareness campaigns.


Recent reports indicate that the majority of digital marketers are using email signatures in their marketing campaigns.

8 in 10 people state they actively engage in ensuring their email marketing efforts also include a signature in order to increase brand awareness and create a better brand image.


4. 48% of marketers use email signatures purely to increase traffic to their websites.


Nearly half of all digital marketers state the main use of an email signature is to ensure an increase in click-through rate (CTR).

High traffic to a website leads to better google rankings which in turn may lead to other visitors landing on the company’s website, something which 48% of marketers are counting on.


5. Email signatures are used for lead generation by 34% of marketers.


A third of all marketers use email signatures to generate as many leads as they can for future remarketing purposes.

However, it’s interesting to note that email signatures are also used as a means to increase sales. This type of strategy is employed by 25% of marketers.


6. Email is responsible for 50% of all B2B leads generated.


Recent data suggests that email correspondence produces the most leads with the highest possible return on investment (ROI).

Surprisingly, search engine optimization (SEO) is responsible for 43% of generated leads, while content marketing is a third of the portion, or 34%.


7. 74% of solopreneurs send up to 10 emails per day.

(New Old Stamp)

According to this data, solopreneurs lead the way in sending emails per day. Furthermore, 21% send between 11 and 25, and only 5% send more than 25 emails per day.

Contrastingly, the number is way lower in small businesses. Namely, only 39%, which is almost two times less, send up to 10 emails per day. The percentage is the same with employees who send between 11 and 25, while only 16% send more than 25.


8. 50% of employees who work in mid-sized businesses send 11 to 25 emails per day.

(New Old Stamp)

It appears that larger enterprises and mid-sized businesses use email communication quite frequently during their daily activities.

Namely, only 19% of employees in these companies send up to 10 emails per day, which is way lower compared to small businesses and solopreneurs.

Furthermore, 12% send more than 50 emails per day, which is an astonishing amount of emails sent.


9. CTR is the most common issue with email marketing.


53% of data show that CTR is the biggest barrier when it comes to email marketing, regardless of the use of email signatures.

The next issue in line for email marketing is open rates with 42% and list fatigue with 36%. Additionally, 26% of surveyed individuals stated that emails containing a signature were more difficult to deliver due to the heavy attachments within.


10. 98% of all sent emails contain the name of the person in the email signature.

(New Old Stamp)

It’s surprising to learn that not every email received contains the name of the sender. However, it’s encouraging to know that 98% of all emails that are being sent actually contain the name in the sing-off.

92% also state the name of the company in the sign-off when they send an email, while 91% also add the company’s website.


11. 89% of respondents state they add a phone number in their emails.

(New Old Stamp)

About 9 in 10 people state that they add their phone number to the contents of the email they send. However, only a third (33%) actually include their physical address.

But, what’s most surprising is the fact that 80% of surveyed individuals stated that they included clickable social network profiles in their email signature prior to conducting daily mail activities.


12. The average person sends about 30 emails per day.


With 30 emails sent by just one company employee per day, we can genuinely see the gravity of having employed email signatures.

Furthermore, the average employee receives about 96 emails per day, and just imagine how he or she feels when the emails are personalized and contain a professional-looking signature.


13. Only 23% evaluate the performance of email signature marketing.

(New Old Stamp)

Here’s a rather odd and very intriguing data. According to this report, only 23%, or 2 in 10 email marketers actually evaluate the performance of their email signature marketing campaigns.

The rest, or 77%, stated that they did not measure or evaluate their email signature campaigns at all.

Furthermore, only 10% calculated the generated revenue from their marketing campaigns.


14. 79% of email marketers track clicks from their email signature campaigns.

(New Old Stamp)

Roughly 8 in 10 marketers’ primary aim with email signature marketing campaigns is to see how many clicks they’d receive from the links they place within emails.

Other metrics email marketers focus mostly on are impressions, with 32% stating that as their primary goal, while 40% want to track how many of their emails are actually delivered.


15. 73% stated they use email signature generators.

(New Old Stamp)

It appears that creating a branded email sign-off is the main objective by most email marketers, or otherwise business professionals.

As many as 73% stated they use branding services to look more professional, while 16% use standardized professional generators to ensure usage across everyone at the company.


Email Signature Trends

16. 41% of respondents use email signatures for branding purposes.

(New Old Stamp)

4 in 10 individuals state that their primary goal in using email signatures is to increase the visibility of their business.

Branding is of utmost importance in today’s modern business world, and less than half of all email marketers make use of signatures in their email communication.

18% state that they use email signatures as a standard sign-off in the email, 17% to identify themselves adequately, and 14% use signatures to personalize their emails.


27. Branding and awareness is the primary goal for US businesses using email signatures.

(New Old Stamp)

37% of US companies use email signatures to solidify their branding and increase awareness in the business world.

Contrary to US companies, just 30% of Australian businesses use signatures for branding and awareness, far less than any other.

Canadian companies, for example, are all about branding and awareness, as 53% use email signatures with this goal in mind.


18. ESM campaigns produced positive results across all measurements.

(Wise Stamp)

Marketers who have employed ESM strategies in their campaigns have reaped countless benefits.

Namely, ESM yielded 32% more email replies compared to emails without signatures included.

Furthermore, ESM campaigns also produced 22% more clicks on links within the emails, 15% more leads, and a 10% increase in the total social reach.


19. Email marketing campaigns generate a staggering 174% more conversions than social media.


Even though the majority of marketers employ search engine optimization marketing, google ads, and social media marketing campaigns, still, email marketing remains the best strategy to use.

Statistics show that email marketing campaigns generate an astonishing 174% more conversions than any campaign run on social media.


20. 35% of respondents say they update email signatures once every few years.

(New Old Stamp)

A third of all companies state they do not update their employees’ email signatures regularly. However, 45% admit they change their signatures two to four times every year.

Only 2% of respondents admitted to frequently changing their signatures on a weekly basis, while 6% do so once or twice per month.


21. 6 in 10 marketers use email signatures for marketing purposes.

(New Old Stamp)

In a recent survey, 62% of marketers have stated that they use email signatures when they engage in email marketing campaigns, either regularly or occasionally.

Furthermore, 45% state they use signatures regularly as they believe it’s a must and needs to be part of any email marketing campaign.

On the other end of the spectrum, a whopping 37% say they do not make use of email signatures and only include basic information, such as name, contact, and company information.


22. 29% say traffic and leads are the biggest concern in an email signature marketing campaign.

(New Old Stamp)

It appears that the biggest hurdle among marketers is generating traffic and leads when conducting an email signature campaign.

Moreover, 28% are concerned with the performance of their marketing efforts, while 16% are worried about setting up the wrong KPIs.


23. The sales department in a company benefits the most from the use of email signatures.

(New Old Stamp)

With 39%, the sales department reaps the rewards of email signatures. The marketing department is closely following with a 38% benefit, while customer support reports only 12%.



Well, we’ve looked at a lot of email signature statistics. And, to be honest, we could have gone on for more.

But, life’s too short to sit reading about all these numbers. Hopefully, you’ve gleaned some useful insight from this email signature statistics-fest and now it’s time to put your newfound knowledge into action and shoot your email signature into the stratosphere.

A corporate email signature is an incredibly powerful tool, and very few truly acknowledge its vast potential. Not only does an email signature represent the employee in a better way, but it will also increase the company’s overall brand image.

What we’ve learned from the statistics in this article is that email signatures can be influential and can easily make or break communication, especially between businesses.

Email signatures are so much more than just a way to include your contact information and sign off on an email. They can be used to reinforce branding and make your emails more visually engaging and interactive.

By not using an email signature, you’re losing out. You’re losing out on exposure, engagement, and the opportunity to showcase your brand.

It’s time to get started now.

Thank you for reading!

30 Alarming Email Phishing Statistics To Be Wary Of (2022)


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