559 Mental Health Slogans To Make You Feel Like A Boss!

Mental Health Slogans

Are you looking for some inspiring and thought-provoking slogans to help you spread the word about mental health? Well, you’ve come to the right place! We have put together hundreds of mental health slogans for you to choose from. They range from emotional to inspirational, so there’s something here for everyone.

We know that living with mental health issues can be super tough, and sometimes it feels like everyone else is moving forward while you’re still stuck in a place. It can be hard to find the motivation to keep going when every day feels like another brick in the wall that stands between you and your goals.

But those who suffer from mental health issues don’t need to feel alone—and they don’t need to feel like they have to hide their feelings. We want people everywhere to know that they matter, and we want them to understand that there is an entire community of people out there who understand what they are going through.

That’s why we’ve compiled this list of mental health slogans that are perfect for sharing on social media or printing out and posting somewhere visible in your home or office. These slogans are designed to empower those who suffer from mental illness and encourage them not only to seek help but also to talk openly about their struggles.

So, without any further ado, let’s begin!

Catchy Mental Health Slogans

We need to talk about mental health. You know, the thing that makes you feel like you’re the only one in the world who’s struggling with it. The thing that makes you feel like no one can understand what you’re going through. The thing that makes you feel like you have to keep it all inside and never let anyone know how much pain you’re in.

But we don’t want to do that anymore—and neither should you! That’s why we created this list of catchy mental health slogans: to help break down the stigma around mental illness, to make it easier for people to share their stories, and to make sure everyone with mental health issues feels safe enough to seek help when they need it most.

We hope you’ll find a slogan here that speaks to you!

  • Mental health is the foundation of a happy life.
  • Be gentle with yourself.
  • Sometimes it takes a breakdown to make a breakthrough.
  • You are stronger than you think.
  • Mental health is a journey, not a destination
  • You’re not alone in your struggle.
  • It’s okay to not be okay.
  • There’s no shame in being a work in progress.
  • You can do this, one day at a time!
  • We all need a little help sometimes.
  • Things are never as bad as they seem.
  • You don’t need to be perfect to be amazing.
  • Sometimes you just need to take a moment.
  • You are special, just like everyone else!
  • Mental health is no laughing matter.
  • Don’t bottle up your feelings.
  • You don’t have to suffer in silence.
  • Don’t wait for a crisis to seek help.
  • Be kind to your brain, it’s the only one you have!
  • Stay strong, stay healthy, stay positive!
  • Get help before things get out of hand!
  • Your mind is a muscle; use it or lose it!
  • Your voice matters.
  • Mental illness doesn’t define who you are—you do!
  • You’re not less than any other person because of your weakness or struggle; you’re equal to them in humanity and value!
  • When life gets rough, remember: there’s no mountain so high that we can’t climb over it together… even if it takes all day long 😉
  • Don’t let stress get in your way. Take a deep breath and keep going.
  • Mental health problems are common and treatable.
  • A bad day is just a bad day, not a bad life.
  • You are not alone. Millions of Americans experience mental illness every year.
  • Mental illness does not define who I am; it only makes up part of who I am!
  • You are loved and cherished just the way you are.
  • Mental illness affects everyone, so talk about it openly and honestly!
  • Mental health is not about being crazy, it’s about feeling sane.
  • The mind is a powerful place.
  • You’re not crazy, you’re just… different.
  • It’s OK if you’re not perfect: no one is, so stop trying to be!
  • The only person who can hurt me is myself—and I’m not going to do that anymore.
  • Don’t let the stigma keep you from seeking help—it’s not your fault, and it’s not theirs either!
  • Life is too much to handle on your own.
  • You don’t have to be perfect to be loved.
  • You are more than what happened to you yesterday; you are more than what happens next week, and even more than what will happen tomorrow…you are YOU!!!
  • Mental health is not just a one-time event but an ongoing process.
  • Letting go is the first step toward healing and happiness.
  • Sometimes life is rough, but you’re tougher than that!
  • Mental health is more than just the absence of a mental illness.
  • I refuse to be defined by my mental illness.
  • Sometimes the best thing is simply being there for each other.
  • Mental health is not just about being ‘normal’.
  • You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” (Another slogan that may seem pessimistic at first glance but actually helps people with anxiety because it reminds them that nothing lasts forever and even negative things come and go eventually.)
  • One bad day doesn’t mean your whole life is ruined.
  • You can’t fake your way through life without feeling anything ever again.
  • Got anxiety? We do too!
  • I’m not crazy, I just like to laugh at things.
  • Don’t let mental health define your limits, define your goals instead.
  • You are not alone in this world. There are people who love and care about you, even if they aren’t physically with you right now!
  • You are not your problems.
  • Weird is an art form.
  • I will not let anyone steal my joy.
  • I don’t always like my thoughts, but I can choose which ones I pay attention to.
  • We’re all a little crazy.
  • Mental health is about being well, not just not having a mental illness.
  • I am strong, I am invincible, I am a warrior.
  • Sometimes we all need an extra dose of self-care!
  • A bad day is only as bad as we choose to make it (or let others make it).
  • Nothing is more powerful than being able to share your story with someone who understands where you’re coming from because they’ve been there too!
  • I’m not crazy; my reality is just different from yours.
  • There’s no such thing as normal when it comes to mental health.
  • You deserve happiness. (This slogan reminds us all that happiness should be our birthright!)
  • Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for your mental health and well-being.
  • Keep your mind busy with positive thoughts.
  • Your brain is like a muscle: The more you use it, the stronger it gets!
  • Mental health is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • I’m not weird, I just have a different perspective.
  • Help is just a phone call away. If you need it, just ask.
  • Everyone has their struggles; thank goodness mine are mostly internal!
  • Every day is a struggle, but it’s worth the fight.
  • When it comes to mental health, we’ve got your back.
  • Stress isn’t the problem; it’s how you respond to it.
  • Mental health problems aren’t any less serious than physical problems.
  • Don’t worry, you’ll get through this rough patch soon enough!
  • Your pain is real, and it’s valid, but there’s hope for you.
  • When you feel like the world is against you, remember that it’s not.
  • The best way to feel better is to help someone else feel better.
  • You’re not alone in this battle.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others.
  • Every day is a new beginning with no mistakes in it yet.
  • My mind is mine own—and so is my heart!
  • The world is your oyster; go get it!
  • You deserve the best life possible, even if that means feeling sad sometimes.
  • It takes more courage to ask for help than to stay silent and suffer alone.
  • Just breathe.
  • You have the power to change your life for the better!
  • Remember that we’re human beings and our mental health matters.
  • You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
  • You have been through worse things in life than this moment—and if they haven’t killed you yet, they won’t kill you now either!
  • Be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished in life!
  • You are loved, and you deserve love.
  • You don’t need to be perfect; you just need to do your best.
  • Keep calm and carry on.
  • It’s a scary world out there but you’re not alone.
  • I am strong enough to not let my illness define me.
  • You are more than the sum of your parts.
  • Remember, whatever you’re going through, someone else has been through it too – and they got through it. You can too!
  • You have a purpose—find it!
  • Your mind is like a parachute—it works best when open!
  • It’s okay if you don’t feel okay sometimes; that doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you or that there’s something wrong with me for feeling this way too sometimes too!
  • Don’t let fear keep you from getting help when you need it most; know that people will understand why you couldn’t ask for help sooner and still forgive your mistakes because they too have been there before (or at least they know someone who has).
  • Mental illness isn’t a weakness—it’s a part of who you are that makes you strong and resilient!
  • You can’t fix yourself if you don’t talk about it.
  • Your story matters.
  • My feelings are real, even if they don’t make sense to you.
  • I don’t need your validation.
  • Mental health is a human right, not a privilege.
  • The only moment that exists is this one right now…so let’s make it a good one!
  • Even if it doesn’t seem like it right now, everything will turn out okay in the end.
  • Feeling stressed? You can always de-stress.
  • We can do this together. Let’s get better together.
  • Your physical health is important, but don’t forget about your mental health!
  • It’s not stress if you love what you’re doing.
  • Sometimes it takes a village to raise a child.
  • We all have our ups and downs—it doesn’t make us any less of a person!
  • We experience mental illness at some point in our lives, but that doesn’t mean we’re alone or without support.
  • #MentalHealthMatters: We all deserve to feel good, no matter what we’re going through.
  • A problem shared is a problem halved!
  • Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
  • I can be a better person by not being perfect.
  • No one should have to go through life alone; we all need someone who cares about us no matter what happens next!
  • Mental health is not an individual problem, it is a community problem.
  • You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
  • If it’s not good for your mind, then it’s not good for you.
  • Mental health will never let you down, even when your friends are gone.
  • Your feelings are valid.
  • Sometimes we just need to stop talking and start listening—to ourselves.
  • The number one cause of stress is events that have not happened yet.
  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed by emotions or thoughts, it’s okay to take some time for yourself and relax before facing the world again!
  • Staying mentally healthy is just as important as staying physically healthy.
  • Mental illness is something to be proud of because it shows that we are strong enough to struggle with these things.
  • We all have bad days, that’s just life!
  • Mental health is like a garden that requires care and attention
  • What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (eventually).
  • Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it’s too hard or too risky or that you’re fooling yourself. They are just playing small in order to keep their own mediocrity going strong, so don’t pay them any mind
  • Don’t give up on yourself, or me, or us! (or any other group you may identify with)
  • Take each day as it comes and make the most of it.
  • A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  • Life isn’t about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself!
  • You’re not alone in your struggles.
  • Mental health is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
  • You can still be successful and have a good life even if you have mental health issues—it just takes a little extra work sometimes!
  • Mental health is no joke.
  • #IAmStrongerThanStigma
  • Don’t give up today because of something that happened yesterday.
  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed by life right now, remember that this too shall pass–and then look forward to what comes next!
  • Take time for yourself—it’s OK to be selfish sometimes!
  • If you’re not there for yourself, who will be?
  • You are not alone in your suffering, and you never have to be.
  • We are all fighting the same battle.
  • Good thoughts precede great deeds.
  • You are not your illness—you are so much more than that!
  • You are worthy of love and belonging, just as you are right now in this moment.
  • If you’re feeling down, just remember that there are plenty of other people who are feeling worse.
  • Your past does not define who you are today.
  • The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.
  • You’re going to make it through this, no matter what happens!
  • A great life starts with a strong mind and a strong body.
  • Everyone is fighting their own battles. We can’t always see them, but they’re there.
  • You have value.
  • You can’t keep me locked up in a box forever.
  • It gets better with time!
  • Trust yourself—you’re more capable than you know!
  • The way we see ourselves is what we become.
  • You don’t have to hide your feelings from anyone.
  • You can do anything, but nothing works unless you do it!
  • There’s no such thing as failure – only feedback!
  • You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it.
  • Mental health is more than just your brain.
  • The struggles in life make you stronger.
  • Healing happens when we talk about it.
  • Take time to pause and reflect on what matters most in your life right now.
  • You are loved and supported.
  • Keep your chin up, buttercup!
  • Always look on the bright side of life.
  • A positive attitude will take you further than any talent or ability ever could on its own!
  • You are not a burden, so don’t feel like one!
  • You were born with everything you need to be happy.
  • It’s okay if others don’t understand what you’re going through because it’s different for everyone.
  • Don’t suffer in silence, speak up!
  • No one is ever going to love you the way that YOU want them to; so don’t hold out for perfection in love—just find someone who makes you feel good about yourself, even if that person isn’t all-around perfect themselves!
  • You are more than your feelings and thoughts, no matter how scary they seem right now
  • It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a group to heal mental health.
  • The only thing holding you back is yourself.
  • Your mind is a garden – plant success seeds and watch them grow!
  • Go ahead and feel that way.
  • Don’t worry about what other people think: they don’t know what they’re missing out on by not knowing your story yet!
  • If you stare at the ugly side of life for too long, it becomes your side.
  • We all have bad days.
  • You can do anything if you believe hard enough; even cure yourself from depression!
  • Mental illness is not a personal shortcoming; it’s a public health crisis.
  • There isn’t just one kind of normal.
  • You deserve to be happy, so do it for yourself!
  • It’s okay to be broken.
  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  • If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain first!
  • Stop self-sabotaging, and start self-loving.
  • This too shall pass!
  • You are here to shine your light, not to hide in the shadows.
  • There is no shame in being broken.
  • You’re stronger than you think.
  • Don’t be a statistic; be a survivor!
  • You are not alone in your struggle; there are people out there who care about what happens to you and want to help if they can!
  • Don’t compare your insides to other people’s outsides.
  • Smile because it’s a beautiful day!
  • Getting help isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength.
  • The sun will rise again tomorrow.
  • Your opinion of me is none of my business!
  • Nobody is perfect, but everyone is important and special in their own way!
  • It’s okay to feel sad sometimes.
  • Today will be the best day ever! (Even if it’s not true, this slogan can help some people get through the day with a smile on their face.)
  • Everything will be okay. (I like this one because it reminds us that no matter what happens, it’ll eventually pass.)
  • Be kinder than necessary. (I think this one is important because sometimes people don’t realize when they’re being mean or hurtful.)
  • My mind is like a steel trap—full of holes! (This one is especially good for people with depression because it makes them laugh and helps them forget about their problems for a little while.)
  • Feelings are just feelings. (This is a great way to remind yourself that emotions are temporary and changeable.)


Creative Mental Health Slogans

In a world where mental health is often stigmatized, it’s important to talk about the importance of mental health and encourage those who are struggling to seek help. This is where mental health slogans are helpful. Mental health slogans can inspire people to seek help, show their support for others, and raise awareness of this important issue.

That’s why we’ve gathered a bunch of creative mental health slogans that will help you remember to take care of your mental well-being while also reminding you that you’re awesome just the way you are. We hope these slogans will help inspire people who are struggling with mental health issues so that they can see that there’s hope for recovery and healing!

  • You are more than your emotions—you are more than your anxiety and depression, and self-doubt. You are stronger than you think!
  • You don’t need to be good at everything—you just need to be good enough for yourself!
  • Anxiety is just a whisper in your ear—it doesn’t define you.
  • Mental health is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.
  • If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit next to me!
  • Just because you’re mentally ill doesn’t mean you’re not amazing.
  • Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others!
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • A mind is a terrible thing to waste – use yours.
  • What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (or at least more bitter).
  • You don’t always get what you want, but you deserve what you need.
  • Don’t be afraid of failure; be afraid of not trying.
  • There is no shame in asking for help when you need it most; the real shame would be keeping the problem inside and letting it fester until it becomes unmanageable and life-threatening!
  • It’s a good day to have an off day.
  • You’re allowed to feel sad sometimes.
  • You are worthy of love and kindness, even if you don’t believe it yourself right now (which is totally fine).
  • Give yourself permission to be imperfect, to make mistakes, and to feel like a failure sometimes–because that’s how we learn who we are and what we’re capable of achieving when we put our minds to it!
  • I will not let my anxiety control me, I will control it.
  • Sometimes, it’s okay to take a break from yourself.
  • Hey, it’s okay to have bad days.
  • Sometimes everyone needs someone else’s shoulders to cry on, so find some willing shoulders and let them help you out!
  • ou are a worthy person who is worthy of love and belonging, no matter what your problems are or how many times you’ve failed to overcome them in the past.
  • You are so brave!
  • It’s okay to feel sad sometimes—it doesn’t mean you’re weak or broken. It means that you’re human!
  • Your thoughts create your reality, so choose them wisely!
  • Let go of what no longer serves you, and embrace what does.
  • You are stronger than you think, tougher than you seem, smarter than you believe, and more capable than you could ever imagine.
  • Don’t let anyone else do your thinking for you, because they’re too busy doing their own!
  • You’re not alone—you have a community of people who support you!
  • The world is an oyster, but not all pearls are created equal.
  • I’m more than my mistakes.
  • There is no shame in having a mental illness—the shame lies in refusing to get help.
  • Your thoughts shape your reality, so choose them wisely!
  • Just because you’re strong doesn’t mean you don’t need help sometimes.
  • If you’re feeling down, just remember: tomorrow is another day! And there will always be something good about it!
  • You are in control of yourself.
  • This too shall pass (it may take a while though)
  • If someone says something about your mental health, always remember that it’s not about YOU—it’s about THEM being afraid of what they don’t understand!
  • Mental health is a human right.
  • You are enough just as you are right now (and no amount of money or status will ever change that).
  • You can’t stop the world from turning, but you can stop yourself from spinning.
  • My life is worth living and fighting for no matter what challenges come my way!
  • Ups and downs are normal. Just keep going.
  • Mood swings are normal.
  • I am allowed to feel what I feel.
  • You are stronger than your mental health problems right now, and I know you will get through this somehow!
  • You deserve the best in life, so start getting it now!
  • There’s no shame in asking for professional help if you feel like you’re struggling with your mental health issues.
  • Be your own best friend.
  • There will always be a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • If you’re tired of being tired, it’s time to get help.
  • You deserve to be heard, respected, and cared for.
  • The darkest hour always comes before the dawn.
  • The most important relationship you have is with yourself.”
  • My mind is my weapon, and I am a ninja.
  • It is okay to ask for help.
  • Don’t let your emotions control you.
  • ou can do it—and we believe in you!
  • You are not alone; there is help available.
  • Choose joy (over depression).
  • Don’t let anyone tell you who you are supposed to be or what you’re supposed to do with your life—you get to decide for yourself.
  • Mental illness is real.


Short Mental Health Slogans

Mental health is a serious thing. It’s not just something to make jokes about or something that can be cured with a good night’s sleep and some warm milk. It can be hard, especially if you’re going through a tough time, to know where to turn for help.

Whether you’re looking for a little inspiration or just want to remind yourself of the importance of mental health and wellness, these short mental health slogans will keep you going strong. Whatever way you use them, we know they’ll help remind you why mental health matters so much!

  • Make your mental health a priority.
  • Stress is just a lack of story.
  • Don’t let fear win.
  • You have everything within you to succeed.
  • This too shall pass.
  • Don’t worry, it’s all in your head!
  • Only dead fish swim with the current.
  • Be yourself, but be better.
  • It’s okay to be a mess, sometimes.
  • I’m not here to prove anything.
  • Don’t be a square, be a circle!
  • I am enough, today and always.
  • You got this!
  • Mental illness is common.
  • It’s not your fault.
  • You can get through this.
  • Don’t believe everything you think.
  • Honor your feelings and emotions.
  • Feelings aren’t facts.
  • You are strong, you are beautiful.
  • If you’re feeling down, speak up.
  • Your mental health is important to us.
  • It’s all going to be okay.
  • Breathe in, breathe out.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  • You can do it!
  • We’re here for you.
  • I choose to be happy.
  • Keep going!
  • Cheers to being awesome!
  • Your happiness matters.
  • We’ve all been there.
  • You’re gonna be fine.
  • It’s all good in the hood.
  • You’re not a burden.
  • Your experiences matter.
  • You deserve only the best.
  • I believe in you.
  • Push through the pain!
  • When things get tough, reach out!
  • Your mental health doesn’t have an aisle.
  • The possibilities are endless!


Children’s Mental Health Slogans

Why it’s super important to talk about Children’s mental health? It’s because kids suffering from mental illnesses feel lonely and unheard of. Children are just as susceptible to mental illnesses like anxiety and depression as adults are. Not to mention, they don’t know where to go or who to talk to when their problems become unbearable.

We’ve listed below a bunch of inspirational children’s mental health slogans that you can use to help raise awareness around this important cause. These are great slogans to use on social media, in commercials, or as part of a campaign aimed at raising awareness about children’s mental health. Have a look!

  • Get them to talk, even if they aren’t talking to you.
  • Children who have mental health problems are not necessarily crazy kids.
  • You can’t control what your child does all the time, but you can always control how you react to it!
  • Children with mental health issues are not broken.
  • Your child is worth a little extra attention.
  • You are enough for your kids, even when you don’t feel like it.
  • Give yourself a break! You’re doing the best you can as a parent and that’s all anyone can ask for.
  • Your child is more likely to develop a mental illness if you have one.
  • Every kid deserves to hear someone say these words: ‘You are not alone.’
  • It’s not your fault that your kid has a mental illness—you didn’t do anything wrong, and you’re not going to make it worse by trying to help them.
  • Your child’s mental illness doesn’t define him or her, but it does affect them—and it doesn’t mean they can never be happy again.
  • If you look down on someone because of their mental illness, then maybe you should try looking up at them instead.
  • Children’s mental health? It’s all about the SOCIALIZATION.
  • If you’re not yet convinced that children’s mental health is important, don’t worry—you will be soon.
  • It’s time to stop talking about children’s mental health and start DOING something about it.”
  • Don’t let anyone tell you that children’s mental health isn’t important.
  • Children need to learn how to cope with stressors in their lives if they are going to grow up healthy and happy adults.
  • Children need to be loved and cared for, just like everyone else does!
  • A parent should never blame themselves for their child’s mental health problems or seek out revenge on those who hurt them (or others). This could make things worse than they already are!
  • It’s okay to have a mental health day.
  • You are a gift and a blessing to this world, and everyone loves you so much!
  • Mental illness is not a character flaw.
  • You don’t have to be an expert on mental health to help your child through their struggles with it!
  • There is always a way out.
  • It’s okay to ask for help—the world wants to support you through this!
  • Children’s Mental health can be measured by the strength and resiliency of their relationships with others (family, peers, teachers) and with their environment (schools, neighborhoods).
  • Your child isn’t weak if they’re struggling with mental illness—they just need some extra help from you!
  • Children’s Mental Health begins in the home and extends to school, community-based organizations, and other settings where children spend their time.
  • When it comes to children’s mental health, we need to be more like the Swiss army knife and less like a butter knife.
  • You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs—and you can’t solve the problem of children’s mental health without making some hard choices.
  • You ain’t seen nothing yet when it comes to children’s mental health.
  • Children’s mental health is a big deal, and it’s not getting any smaller.
  • You can’t give what you don’t have.
  • There’s nothing wrong with being unique.
  • Life is tough; so be tough!


Mental Health Awareness Slogans

Mental health is a topic that’s often overlooked, but it’s something that impacts us all. It’s not easy to talk about mental health, but it’s important. The more we talk about it, the more we’ll understand each other.

With more and more people searching for mental health resources every day, there’s never been a better opportunity to raise awareness about mental health issues and help those in need. And with greater awareness and understanding of mental health issues, we can reduce the stigma associated with these issues.

With that in mind, we’ve put together plenty of inspiring mental health slogans that you can use to spread awareness of mental health and encourage others to speak up. Take a look!

  • Never make someone a priority when they are only making you an option.
  • You are strong enough to handle whatever life throws at you—even if it seems impossible right now!
  • #NoStigma: Mental health isn’t a problem to be fixed, it’s just another part of life.
  • Be open to new things and experiences.
  • You have unlimited potential; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
  • I understand what you’re going through.
  • Feeling down? Don’t stay there, get up!
  • You deserve to be happy and live a fulfilling life.
  • If you need help, get it—don’t wait until tomorrow or next month or next year because by then it may be too late!
  • Keep going even when things feel unbearable, it will get better soon enough!
  • It’s okay to feel sad and angry sometimes, but don’t let those emotions control you.
  • You are not your brain, you are not your thoughts, and you are not what happened to you.
  • Mental illness is a spectrum, and you’re on it somewhere—but you’re still valuable and worthy of love and support!
  • You can’t be sad and laugh at the same time.
  • I’m going to try again tomorrow.
  • You are beautiful just the way you are.
  • You deserve happiness, too!
  • Recovery is possible.
  • All it takes is one person who truly cares about you in order for things to get better in your life—and I’m here for YOU if/when that happens!
  • Change your thoughts, change your life.
  • Anxiety is only temporary—it won’t last forever!
  • Mental health is real and important!
  • It takes courage to ask for help.
  • You can’t solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it.
  • It’s OK to be different. It’s OK to be weird. It’s OK if people don’t understand your struggles.
  • If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.
  • Let it go, don’t stress about it so much!
  • Don’t wait for your ship to come in… Swim out to meet it!
  • Talk about it! Reach out for help if you need it!
  • You’re so much more than your illness.
  • We all need someone who will listen—and care.
  • You’re not alone in feeling like this—we’ve all felt that way before!
  • Be here now – don’t worry about tomorrow or yesterday because both are gone; live for today as if it were your last day on earth because one day it will be true!
  • You’re not alone—we’re all going through this together!
  • Be kind to yourself—you deserve it.
  • Don’t worry; be happy!
  • It’s OK to not be OK right now, but it’s not OK to stay that way for long!
  • Don’t let your problems pile up; solve one at a time!
  • Health is wealth, take care of your mental health first!
  • You don’t have to be a certain way all the time in order to be a certain way at all times.
  • It is what it is—I can’t change it, so why stress about it?
  • The secret to mental health is getting out of your own way.
  • Mental health is important. Mental illness is real.
  • Everyone feels this way sometimes, but it doesn’t last forever.
  • I am worthy of love and belonging just as much as anyone else is.
  • You are not your thoughts; you are your awareness of them.
  • You don’t have to do this alone.
  • Depression isn’t a choice. Getting help is.
  • You only get one shot at life – make it interesting!
  • You have the right to be happy!
  • My pain does not define me, I define my pain.
  • There is no shame in asking for help.
  • You can’t keep someone from falling apart if they’re determined to do it.
  • Mental illness does not make someone less than human – it just makes them human with a different kind of struggle than most people face every day!
  • All is well.
  • You don’t need to feel like this forever.
  • It’s okay if you need a break from the world sometimes.
  • Mental health is not a one-size-fits-all thing.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff—and it’s all small stuff.
  • You are stronger than your struggles
  • Your feelings are valid and important—you are not crazy because of them!
  • The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, and have found their way out of the depths.
  • The struggle is real but so is hope.
  • Recovering is a process.
  • You are enough the way you are.
  • I am what I am, and that’s all that I am!
  • You are smart and strong, and you can do this!
  • Mental illness is just a brain thing—it’s not you.
  • Eat right and exercise, but also make time for self-care!
  • I’m not crazy, I just have a few issues to work out.
  • A problem shared is a problem halved
  • Everyone’s mental health is important.
  • Your feelings matter.
  • I may be broken, but I am not defeated.
  • Don’t let your mind wander. It’s too stupid to be let out alone.
  • I’m not defined by my illness.
  • You are strong enough to survive this.
  • Everything happens for a reason.
  • You are loved, no matter what.
  • Together we are stronger than we are apart.
  • You’re allowed to change your mind, even if everyone disagrees with you.
  • Be honest with yourself.
  • Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to be a part of you.
  • If you’re not happy with your mental health, then change it!
  • Every day is a new day to start over again and again and again… until you get it right!
  • It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you react to it that matters.
  • Stay strong, carry on.


Mental Health Stigma Slogans

As the holiday season gets underway, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping, parties, and family gatherings.

But did you know that mental health is a serious issue? It affects more than one in five Americans every year at some point during their lives—that’s over 60 million people! And yet, many people don’t realize that they have mental health issues until they’re living with them every day. That’s because mental illness is often invisible—it doesn’t show up on X-rays or blood tests. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t real!

The stigma surrounding mental health is a serious problem. It prevents people from seeking help, and it prevents us from understanding what mental health is and how it works.

We want to change that. Here are some slogans for you to use to help spread awareness about mental health stigma that might help you or someone else:

  • Mental health is a real thing.
  • Your mental health matters.
  • Mental health is not a joke or a disease—it’s just life.
  • Stigma can’t stand up to science.
  • You can’t see my mental health, but it’s right here with me every day
  • Stigma has no place in health care.
  • Mental illness doesn’t discriminate based on appearance.
  • Stigma is a barrier to mental health treatment—destroy it!
  • Mental health stigma is a barrier to treatment.
  • Stigma can affect anyone, including you!
  • If you are stigmatizing someone, you are part of the problem.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor – stigma hurts us all!
  • There is nothing wrong with you.
  • You are worthy of love and respect, regardless of your mental health or how others may perceive you.
  • Mental health stigma is a disease that affects everyone, even those without a mental illness.
  • A mental illness isn’t something you can “change” or “fix,” but it can be managed when you’re ready to ask for help and seek treatment.
  • Mental health stigma is real, and it’s not your fault!
  • Stigma-Free Zone!
  • There’s no shame in seeking help for mental illness.
  • Mental illness does not mean ‘weakness.’
  • Don’t let stigma silence you
  • The world needs more kindness and compassion for people with mental illness, not less.
  • We can do better than that together as humans!
  • Stigma is a learned behavior. We can unlearn it.
  • Mental illness is real, but the stigma is not.
  • We’re all human, and that’s what matters!
  • Don’t let stigma stand in your way of recovery.
  • You can’t cure a mental illness without curing the ignorance surrounding it first.
  • Stigma is a bunch of bunk.
  • Don’t stigmatize mental health.
  • Stigmatizing mental health is a waste of time.
  • Get your stigmas out of my headspace.
  • There is no wrong way to be mentally ill.
  • Mental health is physical health for your brain.
  • Stigma is a big fat lie.
  • Mental health is a social justice issue.
  • You’re not your mental illness.
  • Mental illness is not a character flaw.
  • Stigma has got to go!


Funny Mental Health Slogans

Are you looking for a way to express your mental health struggles and be able to laugh about them? If so, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve gathered below some really funny mental health slogans that will help you get through the day.

They range from silly to clever, from sarcastic to strange, from punny to just plain weird. We’ve got them all here so that you can choose the one that speaks to your sense of humor the most. We believe that you can use these slogans in a variety of ways to help raise awareness about mental health and show your support for those who are dealing with it.

  • When someone tells you that you’re crazy, tell them that they are too!
  • There’s nothing wrong with me, I just have a chemical imbalance in my brain.
  • Just remember: no one is perfect and everyone has flaws, including YOURSELF (even though the world would be better off without all your flaws).
  • If life gives you lemons, make lemonade… then give it away to everyone!
  • Smile, it’s the second-best thing you can do with your lips.
  • I’m not crazy, I’ve been in a very bad mood for thirty years.
  • Your mental health is your only real wealth.
  • You are not alone, but you are all alone at the same time.
  • Mental Health is the new Black.
  • I’m too sane to be insane.
  • Crazy is not a state of mind – it’s a place where people who are sane go to get away from those who aren’t.
  • Madness takes its toll; if you give too much to sanity, you may lose your mind.
  • Mental health is like money in that: you need it, but you don’t always have it.
  • It’s all in your head, so what’s the problem?
  • A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything!
  • Mental Health is like a horse because: it has to be well looked after; or it will suffer.
  • Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm!
  • Mental health: If you think you’re going crazy, you probably aren’t.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help—you won’t be judged as long as you don’t ask me to do it for you.
  • I’m not crazy, I just have a lot of inner demons.
  • Mental illness is no excuse for rudeness.
  • There’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
  • It’s okay to be crazy… as long as you don’t show it in public.
  • When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how you did it.
  • Mental Health is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you’re gonna get!
  • Don’t get bogged down by other people’s bad moods—they will pass eventually so just keep on truckin’ until they do!
  • We’re all born mad—some of us stay that way.
  • Mental health is like sleep in that: you can’t do anything else until you have it.
  • I’m not insane, just misunderstood.
  • Mental illness is like having a bad cold: It takes over your whole body and makes you feel awful.
  • Take the blue pill and pretend you’re happy!
  • Mental illness: when the voices in your head start talking to you.
  • We’re all crazy. We’re just not all in the same asylum.
  • Mental illness is like having a toothache: You can’t get rid of it, but at least you know where it hurts.
  • If life gives you lemons, make lemonade; if life gives you limes, make margaritas; if life gives you pineapples, don’t worry about it.
  • We’re all mad here!
  • Sometimes the best medicine is a good sense of humor—and a little laughter can go a long way toward making you feel better when you’re feeling down or stressed out!


Youth Mental Health Slogans

We understand that being a teenager is tough; it’s an incredibly confusing time in life where it can seem like everyone else has their act together while you’re still trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do with your life. This is the time when people are most susceptible to mental issues, but not many people talk about it. This is why it’s important to spread mental health awareness among youth, and slogans are a great way to do that.

We’ve put together a collection of slogans that have been created to help motivate, inspire, and engage youth in conversations around mental health. These slogans will also help you get through those tough moments when you’re feeling down or like you just can’t do it anymore. We hope they inspire you to keep fighting and keep moving forward!

  • You’re never too young to start feeling better.
  • Don’t let your age define who you are.
  • It’s okay if you don’t know what’s wrong just yet.
  • We’re here for each other, and that means something!
  • Let’s stop the stigma around mental illness in our schools!
  • I don’t have time to be sad today—I’m too busy being happy!
  • Your mental health is your responsibility, not anyone else’s.
  • Don’t let anyone tell you who you are or what you can be!
  • The struggle is real, but you can win!
  • You’re not alone—you have a community!
  • We want you to thrive, not just survive.
  • You’re never too young, too old or too weird to ask for help.
  • Youth mental health isn’t just about the kids who are struggling—it’s about all of us growing into our full potential.
  • You can do anything you set your mind to.
  • Youth mental health isn’t a problem to be solved—it’s an opportunity to create a better world for everyone!
  • You don’t have to be afraid of getting help for your mental health issues.
  • We don’t need more youth mental health services; we need more youth mental health advocates.
  • Young people are amazing, and we should all be working toward making sure they have access to the resources they need no matter where they live or what challenges they face in life!
  • It takes more than one to tango.
  • You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well…you might find, you get what you need.
  • Some days are worse than others and that’s okay too.
  • Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something because of your mental health.
  • Let go of the past so that you can live in the present.
  • You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.
  • You can heal from anything, but it takes time, effort, and patience.
  • You are loved by many people in this world, so don’t forget that when life gets tough!
  • Don’t try to be perfect, just be you.
  • Feeling down is normal, but staying down is a choice.
  • What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
  • There is hope for you, and it starts with YOU!
  • Your feelings matter, so listen to them!
  • Your past does not dictate your future.
  • It’s ok if things aren’t going your way right now, they will eventually.
  • Mental health is a full-body experience.
  • Your mental health will never get better if you don’t talk about it.



We’ve come to the end of our list of mental health slogans. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading them as much as we’ve enjoyed creating them and that you’ll keep these powerful phrases in mind when you find yourself or someone near you facing mental health challenges.

Thanks for reading this article. We’re proud of the work we’ve done, and we hope these slogans will be helpful to you. And if you found it useful, please share this blog post with your friends and family on social media. The more people who know about mental health problems and the ways to prevent them, the better.

And as always, we love hearing feedback on our work—so if you have any suggestions or thoughts on how we can improve, let us know via email.

Have a great day 🙂

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