30 Pet Ownership Statistics That Will Fascinate You (2025)

Pet Ownership Statistics

Pet ownership statistics undoubtedly show the latest trends among pet animal lovers. We love, care about them, and always look to keep them happy. We make sure they’re not too cold; we offer them a bucket of ice when it’s too hot. They always make us laugh and are with us for better or worse. Their love is unconditional.

We look at pets as family members. That’s why we don’t get too angry if they leave paw prints all over the house; we diligently remove hair from the sofa and don’t mind if they eat through the TV cable.

People live with their pets for a variety of reasons. Some need company, others need comfort. Some people adopt animals for health reasons. Pets are good for our hearts. They fill them with love and make our hearts healthier and bigger.

That’s why we bring you the most exciting pet ownership stats. Some animals will make you laugh, others will make you happy, while some will, unfortunately, make you sad. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the most interesting figures.

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Pet Ownership Demographics Statistics

People love pets regardless of age. The following demographic stats will show which generation prefers having pets the most.

Can anything match the love of children for their pets? How does having an animal companion affect human health? Check out pet owners’ demographic statistics and find out some jaw-dropping data.

1. Millennials have the highest percentage (32%) of pet ownership in the United States.


Peoples’ love towards their animal companions goes beyond any age border. However, one generation stands out in particular. People born between 81′ and 96′ are more likely to have pets. Millennials represent the largest generational group that is to be expected to have any type of pet.

This puts Millenials at the top, with 32% of pet ownership share. Baby Boomers come right behind with 27%, while Generation X makes up 24% of all pet owners.


2. 73.8% of people living in mobile homes are more likely to have pets.


The following AVMA survey undoubtedly shows the connection between different types of communities with the likelihood of pet-owning. People who live in more urban areas are unlikely to own any kind of pet. On the other hand, those living in less urban areas, with a population of 100,000 and below, will most likely consider the animal company.

People living in mobile houses are ten to one to own a pet than any other household type, with a 73.8% owning rate, as per pet ownership statistics. Around 65.8% of people living in houses are more likely to have an animal friend around. Moreover, homeowners are more likely to live with domesticated animals than those renting their apartments.


3. 20% of Gen Z report that they own fewer pets than they did previously.


There are various factors that affect whether someone will own a pet or not. Animal companions will always give you unconditional love and gratitude. However, they are looking for something in return. All this sometimes costs time and money.

Consequently, the trend of owning pets is declining among the younger generations. Thus, Petfoodindustry recorded a significant decline in pet ownership among Gen Z. As many as 20% of members of this generation reported fewer pets. As a reason, they cite not having enough time to devote to their pets as the older generation.


4. Female pet owners are 2.4 times more likely to have anxiety disorders.


Is having an animal companion good or bad for our mental health? This is a polarizing topic that acts divisively on many experts’ minds. According to a PMC study on the correlation between pet-owning and health, females who own a pet are more likely to feel anxiety disorder than men.


5. 70% of families in the US have pets.


Animals enrich our lives but also our homes. This is especially true for children, who spend unforgettable moments with their pets. According to the authoritative Insurance Information Institute, about 90.5 million families in America own at least one animal.

The trend of owning pets is on the rise. In a 1988 survey, only 56% of families kept at least one animal in their homes. In 2019, 67% of families were reported to be homeowners.


6. Millennials make up half (50%) of all reptile owners.


As we mentioned earlier, one in three Millennials has animal companions. However, this generation doesn’t focus on the usual like dogs or cats. On the contrary, the majority of Millenials prefer reptiles, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets, and saltwater fishes are their pets. In fact, 50% of reptile owners are Millennials.


7. 57% of married adults in the US own pets.


Finances and time are among the most important aspects that decide whether or not to own a pet. However, marital status is also emerging as one of the more essential factors. As per pet ownership statistics, adults who are married are more likely to have at least one domesticated animal.

About 57% of married couples said they own or plan to own a pet one day. On the other hand, about 42.9% of singles said they’re looking forward to having an animal companion.


8. 50% of married people are more likely to have a dog companion.


As we already know, married couples are more likely to own a pet than those who aren’t in marital communities. Still, it seems that dogs are high on the list of both married and single people. Around 50% of married couples stated they’re more likely to have a dog pet as opposed to 37% of cat lovers.

Furthermore, one in three singletons prefers having a dog pet, while only 25% of those not married are more apt to have a cat.


9. 71% of Millennial males are prone to be dog owners.


Pet ownership demographic data show Millennials are leading the race. Male members of this generation prefer dogs over cats. Around 71% of men will most probably own a dog, as opposed to 48% who prefer cats as their pets.

On the other hand, 62% of women Millennials prefer dogs, while 35% prefer cats.


Dog Pet Ownership Statistics

Having a doggo friend has many benefits. Dogs are known to be loyal, and as such, many people enjoy having a tail-wagger in their homes. These types of pets will never let you feel alone, and they’re good for your heart. Let’s find out more interesting stats about pet doggos.


10. 38.4% of households in the US own dogs.


Whether you go to the store for a short time or come back from work after a full day away from home, the dog will always greet you with excitement. Few people are immune to that feeling of love and loyalty at the same time.

However, having a dog as a pet has far more benefits. The dog is ideal for families with small children, as well as for people who have health problems. That is why it’s no wonder that more than a third of households own at least one dog.


11. 41% of households are too busy to have a doggo.


It’s not news that dogs, like all other pets, require attention. For this reason, certain occupations make it impossible for people to enjoy all the benefits of dogs as pets. Slightly less than a half of households (41%) state that lack of time and the fact they’re out all day is the only reason they live in pooch-free homes.


13. 44% of dog owners adopted their beloved dogs from a shelter.


Almost half of the pet owners decided to open their doors to less fortunate doggos. Thanks to them, millions of sheltered dogs have found their new homes. It is estimated that around 44% of dog owners rescued their pets from an uncertain destiny.


14. The state of Idaho has a high rate of dog ownership (58.3%)


Doggos are very popular in Idaho. That said, this region has an incredible 58.3% dog ownership rate. Montana comes second with 51.9%, while West Virginia holds third, respectively, with 51.6%.


15. Around 90 million dogs live in US households.


Doggos are among the most popular pets in the U.S. They can make you laugh; they’ll listen to whatever you say and never reveal your secrets. Dogs are people’s best friends. That said, no wonder why the U.S. is home to around 90 million tail-waggers.


16. Pet-food spending increased nearly 11% for both dog and cat owners


Food is essential in keeping our pets healthy. As we mentioned earlier, the pet ownership rate jumped by 3%. In consequence, people are spending more on food. However, the average household is now spending 11% more on food for their doggies and other pets.

There are many reasons behind this trend. However, a few stand out in particular. The main reason people decided to open their wallets for pet food is the quality of supplements. Thus, people are now paying extra attention to ingredients, avoiding GMO products while adding proteins, superfoods, and plant-based foods.


17. 69 million households own at least one doggo.


Let’s face it, doggos are pros. These cute little furballs managed to capture the hearts of millions of households in the U.S. Out of 331 million people who live on U.S. soil, 69 million live with their furry little companions.


18. There are 471 million pet dogs owned across the globe.


People prefer dog companionship more than any other animal. According to Statista, around 471 million dogs are making people happy worldwide.

As people are spending increased time at their homes, which is more than ever before, the likelihood of this number becoming bigger is increasing day by day.


19. There are 54.29 million pet dogs in China


Americans are high on the dog ownership ladder, with more than 89.7 million doggos. China comes next with 54.2 million dog residents. Russia is in third place with “barely” 16.8 million dogs.


20. 33% of UHNW people prefer dogs and horses over other animals.


UHNW stands for Ultra-High-Net-Worth individuals. The following dog ownership statistics show people with deeper pockets prefer keeping horses and dogs as their pets than any other animals.

Around 33% of wealthy people like dogs over cats and fish. Guess some dogs are born to live on a high heel. As for horses, approximately 39.6% of UHNW people stated they prefer having this animal as their pet.


Cat Ownership Statistics

They cuddle as they please. They come and go as they please. They scratch you if you’re boring them. Is there a person who would like to have a cat? Let’s face it, compared to other pets, cats are independent and require less attention.

On the other hand, they’re cute and fairly loyal. They like to be around us, and they adore peoples’ presence. Even if they’re not around, know that they still love you from far away. They just find you boring at the moment. But, they always come back. Jokes aside, let’s see interesting numbers about cat ownership around the globe.


21. 25.4% of Americans own at least one cat.


The Americans are dog people; there’s no question about it. However, around 25.4% of households still prefer furry little scratchers over dogs. In total, there are around 31.8 million cats living in U.S. households. That’s roughly 17 million less than doggos.


22. 31% of cats in the US are adopted from an animal shelter


Dog lovers prefer purchasing their pets from breeders. However, some people like to rescue their pets from shelters. Around 23% of dogs are adopted from stray animal hotels. On the other hand, cats are luckier. About 31% of cats came directly from animal shelters across the U.S.


23. 47% of households in Romania own cats.


When it comes to cat lovers, Romanians are far ahead of other members of the European Union. Specifically, as many as 47% of households in this European country own at least one cat. Right behind is Latvia, with 38% of households in which kittens are family members. By the way, Europe is home to a total of 110 million cats.


24. Pet ownership statistics show there are 53 million cat residents in China.


For the first time ever, cats overtook dogs in popularity among urban Chinese residents in 2021. Approximately 58 million cats are kept as pets in this huge Asian country.

Still, they’re not the largest cat owners. The U.S. comes first with around 74 million cat population. Russia is in third place with 17.8 million cat habitats.


25. The average cat owner spends $254 on cat food.


Nutrition is most important to keep our cats healthy and happy. For this reason, many cat owners prefer to avoid suspicious and untested products. As a result, the average kitty owner spends about $254 a year buying food for their loved ones.


26. Only 8% of cat owners believe their pet changed their lives.


If you ask dog owners, 48% of them will tell you that their pet has changed their lives. Dogs require extra attention, such as walking and going out for the most basic necessities. However, most of these situations come in handy as a reason to go out and walk. Finally, increased physical activity results in better health for some dog owners.

Cats, on the other hand, are – cats. They are not the animals you’ll walk on a leash. Often they will come out on their own, stretch their legs and come back to you. Cats will prefer to sit on the couch and eat lasagna. In the end, only 8% of cat owners will say that their pet has changed their health for the better. At least when it comes to physical activity.


27. 70% of cat owners consider their pets improve their mental state.


As we found out earlier, cats are not animals for walking in the park. However, some like to stretch their paws by walking with their owners. Most likely, cats will prefer to stay inside and keep their external affairs to themselves.

Though we can’t attribute them credit for better physical health, most cat owners will be happy to point out the impact of their pets on the mental health of individuals.

Thus, 70% of cat owners will proudly say that their pets are responsible for a healthy psyche. On the other hand, about 66% of dog owners have the same claim.


Pet Ownership Costs Stats

Animals are great for human mental and physical health. We will all agree that one’s health has no price. However, let’s see how much people really spend on their pets and how much money needs to be set aside for another family member.


28. Americans spent $103.6 billion on their pets in 2020.


Owning pets comes with a price tag. In the end, they are living beings and, as such, don’t live out of pure love or air. Thus, if you’re thinking of adopting a pet, keep in mind they come with certain expenses.

In 2020, U.S. households spent $103.6 billion on their animal companions. These costs included:

  • Food & Treats: $42 billion
  • Vet care and product sales: $31.4 billion
  • Supplies and OTC medicine: $22.1 billion
  • Other services: $8.1 billion.


29. A pet dog’s basic expenses can grow to $1,480 per year.


The initial cost of owning a dog can vary. Various factors affect the final figure. Some aspects include whether the dog was adopted or you bought it from a breeder. Also, the cost of owning a dog depends on your lifestyle.

On an annual basis, the cost of owning a dog can vary between $650 and $2,000. Some startling data says that just under 50% of owners spend over $2,000 a year on their dogs. However, on average, doggos owners have to set aside an average of $1,480 for the needs of their pets.


30. Dog owners pay $48 monthly for their pet insurance.


Pet insurance is gaining momentum. Simply put, animals, especially dogs and cats, can sometimes be very restless. As a result, your pets may be injured uncomfortably. For this reason, some pet owners are choosing to pay for pet insurance and provide their animal companions with the best possible treatment.

With that in mind, the average dog owner spends about $48 on insurance. Annually, the total cost is $585.40. On the other hand, cat owners pay slightly less – $29.16 per month. In conclusion, if you own a kitten, you will set aside about $394.93 on average to cover your beloved pet in case of accidents or illness.



Hopefully, these pet ownership statistics helped you better understand animal owners and their habits. Overall, owning any pet is good for your health (unless your pet is big enough to eat you).

Nevertheless, animal companions bring light and joy to our lives. As a result, we love them unconditionally and do everything in our power to treat them the way they deserve. In return, we get to smile more often and live better and happier lives.

As you can see, pets really do make our lives better. They show us unconditional love, teach us responsibility and help us connect with other people.

We encourage you to share these statistics with your friends and family so they too can learn more about how pets impact our lives.

What kind of pet do you have? Did we miss your favorite stat? Let us know!

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