19 Impressive AI in HR Statistics That You Should Know 2025

AI in HR Statistics

When you’re trying to get a handle on the latest in AI in HR, there’s no shortage of information out there. But how do you find the right statistics?

You could try digging through dozens of articles and blog posts, but that’s exhausting and time-consuming! Or worse: You could end up with inaccurate or outdated information.

It’s hard to know where to start when you’re looking for relevant and current AI in HR statistics—but it doesn’t have to be this way!

That’s why we have put together the definitive list of AI in HR statistics so that you don’t have to waste hours searching for them. With this list, all you have to do is scroll through our carefully curated collection of stats that will give you the full picture of how AI is being used in HR right now.

Contents show

Top AI in HR Statistics (Editor’s Picks)

  • Almost 60% of survey respondents confirmed that their organizations currently use AI for talent management.
  • 44% of people believe that artificial intelligence will free up the recruiter’s time.
  • Smart AI mechanisms can eliminate 75% of applicants from the recruiting process.
  • 79% of recruiters think that artificial intelligence will soon be advanced enough to hire applicants and fire employees.
  • Approximately 23% of survey respondents admit they’re scared for their job because they believe AI will replace them.
  • 49% of people claim that AI in recruitment will be the most useful to the IT sector.

General AI in HR Statistics

1. Nearly 82% of HR teams will adopt more AI tools into their talent management processes between 2021 and 2025.

(HR Executive, Eightfold)

According to a 2021 Eightfold AI survey of almost 225 US HR professionals who are primarily manager-level and above, nearly 82% said their teams would adopt more artificial intelligence tools into their management processes in the next five years.

As the chief marketing officer at Eightfold AI, Ligia Zamora, confirms, the changing nature of work requires reliance on technologies like artificial intelligence.


2. Almost 60% of survey participants confirm that their organizations currently use AI for talent management.

(HR Executive, Eightfold)

Many companies find using AI in HR for interviewing highly beneficial. Furthermore, many of them have already incorporated such technologies to support talent management.

As the Eightfold AI survey from 2021 confirms, 60% of survey respondents say that their organizations use AI to personalize the candidate and employee experience. They also use it to match candidates to roles, offer upskilling and reskilling, answer questions via chatbots, and map career paths.


3. 66% of CEOs think AI can drive significant value in human resources.

(IBM, Zoom Info)

There are many reasons why a company should use AI in HR. For instance, artificial intelligence enables recruiters to quickly find qualified candidates, creates engagement in a candidate’s journey, allows more effective onboarding, and improves employee training.

Still, AI can be biased and raise some privacy concerns, so companies should also take that into consideration.


Stats Regarding AI in HR Pros and Cons

4. 44% of people think AI will free up the recruiter’s time.


Tidio’s extensive research reveals that 41% of HR professionals think AI can provide valuable insights during the recruitment process, while 39% believe it can make a recruiter’s job easier.

Nevertheless, some of them (35%) claim that AI in hiring might lead to overlooking unconventional and unique talents or that it will destroy the HR industry (26%).


5. 68% of recruiters claim that using AI in the recruitment process will take care of the unintentional bias.


One of the most important benefits of AI in HR is that AI can take care of bias during hiring processes. Tidio’s extensive study points out that nearly 70% of recruiters think using AI during recruitment takes care of the unintentional bias.

Still, AI can be biased, too. For instance, there was a problem with the algorithmic bias at Amazon, when AI was favorable towards men for positions that men got before.

Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance to assist AI or ensure it doesn’t happen.


6. Merely under 14% of recruiters need help with giving feedback to candidates, which is a problem that AI could solve.


If there’s something job applicants hate, it’s not receiving feedback or not being informed about the outcome of their interview. Still, many hiring managers are too busy to reach out to all applicants, especially if there are many of them for a job position.

Therefore, those who need help from AI in HR recruitment can make their jobs way easier when getting back to all candidates is in question.


7. 45% agree that AI in HR boosts their company’s scalability and drives business impact.

(People Matters, Eightfold)

The Eightfold’s 2021 report highlights the best ways HR leaders use advanced technology to recruit and retain employees.

The AI in HR research papers further reveals that 50% of respondents say that upskilling and reskilling current employees would be the most effective way to impact their company.


8. 90% of people think AI can be manipulated by job applicants.


Both humans and artificial intelligence can make mistakes. Still, a survey has shown that 46% of people think that AI can be manipulated easily, while only around 9% believe that it’s advanced enough not to be manipulated.

Likewise, 31% of survey respondents claim that job applicants will use AI to manipulate recruiting processes to get jobs, at least to some extent. Moreover, 44% think they certainly will. Only 24% believe they won’t use AI to manipulate recruiting processes.


Statistics About Using AI for HR Recruitment

9. Smart AI mechanisms eliminate 75% of applicants from the recruiting process.

(Better Works)

This statistic can seem worrying to people who apply for jobs. Eliminating 75% of candidates is discouraging, and AI is to blame. Nevertheless, smart artificial intelligence mechanisms can scan, read, and evaluate job applicants much faster.

In addition, artificial intelligence has the potential to expand HR as a resource, as it can make time for HR to focus on improving the employee experience. Apart from that, AI can improve decision-making in hiring.


10. Approximately 7% of job applicants would be offended if they were onboarded by AI.


Some job applicants would be offended if AI was included in the recruitment process. Luckily, the majority of people (76%) wouldn’t have problems with being onboarded by AI, while 47% would be okay with it, but only partly.

Additionally, 29% would like to be taught about the workplace by artificial intelligence. Also, 18% of people would rather like to meet people during their onboarding process rather than rely on AI.


11. 79% of recruiters think that AI will soon be advanced enough to hire applicants and fire employees.


AI already aids professionals in making hiring and firing decisions, but some recruiters still think that it’s not advanced enough to independently decide if someone should be hired or hired. Interestingly, only approximately 43% of candidates share the same opinion.

It seems that AI in HR practices are still not accepted by everyone, especially job applicants. For instance, 56% of applicants don’t want artificial intelligence to make decisions related to firing and hiring employees, while only around 22% of recruiters think the same.


12. 75% of people would let AI decide if an applicant should be hired as long as a human being is also involved in the decision.


It’s safe to assume that the best option (at least for now) is that artificial intelligence should be used by people and not do things on its own.

For example, Tidio’s study suggests that three-fourths of respondents would let AI decide whether an applicant should be hired or not. On the contrary, only around 25% believe that it’s entirely unfair that artificial intelligence making recruitment is allowed to make hiring decisions.


Other AI in HR Trends, Stats, and Facts

13. Approximately 23% of survey respondents say they’re scared for their job because they believe AI will replace them.


Statistics reveal that at least one in five recruiters is concerned about losing their jobs due to artificial intelligence.

Additionally, only around 15% of hiring professionals claim they’re not scared because they know artificial intelligence will never replace the human side of recruitment.

Excellent recruiters know that looking at a CV isn’t enough to determine an applicant’s ability.


14. Only around 13% of people worry that using artificial intelligence in recruitment is dangerous.


The number of companies using AI in HR is increasing. Still, 13% of people are sure that there are many detrimental effects of using AI in recruitment.

The same statistics further reveal that using artificial intelligence in recruitment is considered dangerous twice more often by older respondents (40+) than by Gen Z. Only 7% of Gen Zers find AI in recruitment dangerous. In comparison, 15% of people in their forties do.


15. 54% of HR executives claim that artificial intelligence will affect integral roles in the HR organization.

(IBM, Zoom Info)

More than half of HR executives think that AI will lead to some changes in the critical roles in the HR organization.

According to AI in HR statistics from IBM’s extensive report, 50% of HR executives realize that artificial intelligence has the ability to transform the main dimensions of HR.

That means that, apart from influencing employees and job applicants, it has a substantial influence on the HR department.


16. 60% of HR leaders think about using artificial intelligence to promote equity and inclusion among employees.

(People Matters, Eightfold)

Thinking that AI will help HR professionals to promote equity and inclusion seems a bit unbelievable, as artificial intelligence can also be biased and make mistakes.

Still, 60% of HR professionals consider using artificial intelligence to promote equity and inclusion among their employees.


17. Indian AI-powered recruitment company called BarRaiser bags $4.2 million in seed money.

(Tech in Asia)

One of the Indian AI HR companies focused on interviewing and hiring job candidates has managed to raise $4.2 million in a seed funding round organized by 021 Capital and Global Founders Capital.

So far, this company has conducted 30,000 technical interviews for over 250 companies around the world. BarRaiser’s proprietary tech uses over 200 data points to assess candidates according to these interviews.


18. 49% of people claim that AI in recruitment will be the most useful to the IT sector.


Interestingly, incorporating artificial intelligence in recruiting processes might be more useful in some industries. At least, that’s how 87% of people think. Still, not all agree on which sectors will benefit the most.

For example, roughly 49% of people claim it will be the computer and technology sector. Conversely, only around 7% of respondents think advertising and marketing will benefit the most.

Also, nearly 7% believe it would be most helpful in the finance and economy sector.


19. There are currently over 100 startups creating innovative AI solutions for the HR sector.


The use of artificial intelligence in the human resources sector is growing rapidly. While there are currently 600 startups innovating in HR and digital technology, 100 of them are specifically innovating the use of AI in HR. 

The use of AI in HR has a lot of benefits for companies: it can help them identify new opportunities within their workforce, increase productivity by analyzing employees’ performance, and even reduce turnover rates.

These start-ups are using AI to help companies find their dream employees and retain those employees once they’re hired. These innovations will be essential to helping companies keep up with the demands of the modern workforce, which includes millennials who want more flexibility at work, older workers who want to stay employed longer, and people from other countries who want to work remotely.

And though these companies are still relatively small compared to their larger counterparts, they’re poised to make a big impact on how we think about work as they grow into more established companies.


Related Questions (FAQ)

What is artificial intelligence in HR?

Artificial intelligence in HR is using artificial intelligence to aid the recruiting process and other HR tasks. Also, AI in HR enables procedures such as screening applicants or arranging interviews to be automated, customized, or simplified. AI can also keep track of the company’s essential contact details and other tasks (e.g. verification of legal documents).


What is the impact of AI on HR?

Implementing AI in HR has the potential to reduce time spent on repetitive, mundane tasks and operational costs. In addition, it can boost the overall employee productivity and experience, which would drive retention rates upwards. It’s expected that it will have even more impact in the future.


Is AI going to replace HR?

AI can’t and won’t replace HR because it needs to learn from millions of past events to gain the ability to learn from millions of data in seconds. Therefore, the demand for HR recruiters will always be present as long as there are humans in the workforce. Moreover, an outstanding recruiter takes into account many more factors than just a candidate’s resume.


What is AI gamification in hiring?

In the context of recruitment, AI gamification in recruitment means applying game mechanics to better understand a candidate’s reaction to certain situations (e.g. competition) and their personality traits. This can be helpful to employers when they look for a closer fit for the job role they are hiring for.


What are the advantages of AI in HR?

Smart AI mechanisms can read, scan, and evaluate applicants quickly. In fact, AI in HR statistics points out that they eliminate 75% of the recruiting process, which can increase the quality of hiring decisions and, at the same time, be a big timesaver for HR.



Now that you know all of the statistics and facts about AI in HR, we hope that you’re inspired to start using AI technology and data to help your organization grow.

We know that it can be a difficult journey to embrace new technology, but with so many benefits for both employees and employers, there is no reason not to try it today!

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post on AI in HR statistics. If you want to learn more statistics about the use of AI in business, check out our other blog posts!

If you have any questions about the content of this post or anything else related to our company and its services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help!

Thanks for reading!

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