You’ve been looking for a fresh set of eCommerce conversion rate statistics, and now you’ve found them.
We’re sure you’ve heard the saying “data is king.” And while we don’t want to be the ones who tell you that data is not always the most important thing to focus on (because it totally is), it’s also true that the way you present your data can make all the difference in how people perceive it.
That’s why today we’re happy to present you with the latest eCommerce conversion rate statistics! We know from experience that this list will give you exactly what you need to get up-to-date on where things stand in eCommerce today—and help put your own business on track for success.
eCommerce Conversion Rate Statistics (Editor’s Choice)
The eCommerce industry offers something that no one else can – shopping from anywhere in the world, at any time. Moreover, it provides competitive prices at your fingertips. No wonder online conversion rates are booming.
Check out some of the most fascinating eCommerce conversion rate statistics we discovered.
- Retail eCommerce sales will reach $7.4 trillion by 2025.
- The global average eCommerce conversion rate is 3.63%.
- November 2021 noted a high global eCommerce conversion rate of 4.44%.
- The average conversion rate has grown by 19.63% from 2021 to 2022.
- The average eCommerce conversion rate for the EMEA region was 4.05%
- UK’s conversion rate in Q1 of 2022 was 4%, while America’s was 2.3%.
- Referrals have the highest eCommerce conversion rate by channel of 5.44%.
- In July 2022, the food and beverage industry had the highest conversion rate of 6%.
- Free shipping can help you reach a higher conversion rate.
If you are intrigued by our chosen eCommerce conversion rate statistics, make sure to read the entire article. You will uncover many unbelievable pieces of information that will inspire you to log in to your favorite online brand and treat yourself to something new.
General eCommerce Conversion Rate Statistics and Trends
1. Retail eCommerce sales will reach $7.4 trillion by 2025.
The retail eCommerce industry is continuously growing. In 2021, retail eCommerce sales amounted to almost $4.9 trillion globally. Believe it or not, it is believed to reach $5.4 trillion by the end of 2022.
Moreover, there are some forecasts that it will skyrocket by the end of 2025, reaching $7.4 trillion. The most popular eCommerce activity is online shopping, which accounts for most of the revenue.
2. About 2.14 billion people made online purchases in 2021.
The world is digitizing, and with it, our lives are changing. An excellent proof is that there were 1.32 billion digital buyers in 2014 compared to 2.14 billion in 2021. The reason for this climb is the superb conversion rates seen in many eCommerce businesses.
Furthermore, with the number of digital buyers on the rise, PayPal has become the most popular payment method, with over 40% of online shoppers confirming their use.
3. The global average eCommerce conversion rate is 3.63%.
According to Dynamic Yield, the average eCommerce conversion rate between August 2021 and July 2022 was 3.63%. In August 2021, the rate was at 3.37%, while the latest report sets it at 3.45%. The highest point of 4.44% was seen in November 2021, while the lowest, 3.11%, was noted in April 2022.
The difference between the highest and the lowest eCommerce conversion rate during the period was 1.33%. It’s fair to note that November and December have traditionally high conversion rates because that’s when people do most of their holiday shopping.
(Dynamic Yield)
4. The conversion rate of eCommerce websites has increased by over 19% from July 2021 to July 2022.
The average conversion rate in all eCommerce markets significantly grew last year. For example, according to the latest data, the average conversion rate in July 2022 was 1.92%, compared to 1.61% in July 2021. That’s an increase of 19.63% in just twelve months.
In other words, the higher the conversion rate, the better the customer value proposition. Moreover, that also leads to lower customer acquisition costs.
5. 69.82% of eCommerce shoppers who added items to their cart never completed the purchase.
The global conversion rate of online shoppers may be on the rise, but so is the global online shopping cart abandonment. According to the latest data, almost 70% of online shopping carts in 2021 were abandoned before a purchase occurred.
For comparison, the abandonment rate was 59.8% in 2006. So, this segment increased by 10.2% in the years between 2006 and 2021. While businesses can be hopeful that more sales are coming their way, they also need to invest in tools and marketing practices that will lower the cart abandonment segment.
6. The conversion rate for online retail stores in the US is 2.6%.
Based on Statista data, the conversion rate for eCommerce stores in the US is 2.6% in the fourth quarter of 2021. Interestingly, the percentage for the first quarter was 2.2% and for the second and third quarter 2.4%. That means the conversion rate among US online shoppers is higher at the end of the year.
(Insider Intelligence, Statista)
7. The UK has an eCommerce conversion rate of 4%.
According to the latest KIBO eCommerce Quarterly Benchmarks Report for Q1 of 2022, the UK boasted very high conversion rates. Namely, in Q1 of 2022, the country’s conversion rate was at 4%. By comparison, the United States eCommerce conversion rate during the same period was only 2.3%.
Both countries saw their conversion rates drop compared to Q1 of 2021. In the UK, the drop was only 0.4% (from 4.4% to 4%). In the US, the decrease was 0.2% (from 2.5% to 2.3%).
8. EMEA has the highest eCommerce conversion rates by region.
According to the data by Dynamic Yield focusing on the average eCommerce conversion rate by region, EMEA leads the way. The average conversion rate for the EMEA region was 4.05%. Next came the Americas, with an average rate of 3.64% and APAC, whose rate was 1.51%. These figures apply for the period between August 2021 and July 2022.
The same study highlights the highest eCommerce conversion rates in each region during the same period. In EMEA, the highest rate was 5.07% (Dec 2021), while the Americas peaked in November 2021 at 4.71%. Finally, the APAC region surprised with the highest eCommerce conversion rate of 1.81% seen in July 2022.
(Dynamic Yield)
9. The online retail stores with the highest conversion rates are the most trusted brands.
The eCommerce websites with the highest conversation rates are those that build a reliable brand. According to a recent study by Oberlo, 81% of consumers claimed they are buying from brands they trust.
That is excellent advice for all online businesses. People will trust you if you are honest and transparent about your products or services.
10. Germany is the leader in eCommerce conversion rates by country.
eCommerce Europe released a report showing that Germany is the leader in conversion rates by country, with an average of 2.22%. This country was followed by the United States (1.96%) and the United Kingdom (1.88%).
Next on the list of countries with solid eCommerce conversion rates came Denmark, the Netherlands, and Greece. Their respective rates were 1.80%, 1.78%, and 1.44%.
Italy was among the countries where the conversion rate of eCommerce businesses was under 1% or, more precisely, 0.99%.
(eCommerce Europe)
Factors That Affect Your eCommerce Conversion Rate
11. Free shipping can help you reach a higher conversion rate.
A study by Walker Sands showed us that free shipping leads to a high conversion rate. The data revealed that 77% of consumers choose free shipping as the most crucial option and the number one online purchase driver.
Moreover, most website visitors don’t see the free shipping as an extra service, but as a part of the product they purchase. That is because they consider it a necessity, not a perk.
(Walker Sands)
12. Long and complicated check-out processes lead to a drop in the conversion rate.
A fast and seamless check-out process can help eCommerce businesses reach a higher conversion rate. That said, if the process is too complicated or too long, it will lead to a significantly lower conversion rate.
According to the latest abandonment rate statistics, 21% of online shoppers abandoned their orders because the check-out process took too much of their time.
13. Honest countdown timers lead to an increased conversion rate.
It seems that using a countdown timer as a marketing strategy can do wonders for your conversion rate. A countdown timer can lead to a 9% increase in revenue, which is not a small number.
In addition, the countdown timer creates a sense of urgency in your website visitors and makes them feel like they are missing out if they don’t grab the deal.
That said, your customers can easily recognize if you are faking urgency. Unfortunately, that causes customer distrust, which leads to a severe drop in your eCommerce conversion rate.
(Neuroscience Marketing)
14. Automated emails help businesses improve their eCommerce conversion rates.
Automated welcome emails can lead to a conversion rate of almost 52%. As one of the most popular eCommerce marketing plans, welcome emails create a positive feeling among your customers. The percentage is higher for those marketing campaigns that include personalized welcome emails.
Another aspect not to ignore is automated cart abandonment emails, which can also lead to a rise in the conversion rate. According to a 2020 study by Omnisend, automated cart abandonment emails can boost a company’s conversion rate to up to 34%.
On the other hand, product abandonment emails and birthday emails do not have the same success. They can reach up to 18% and 11% conversion rates, respectively.
15. Desktop users have a 3.8% conversion rate compared to the 2.3% for mobile users.
The conversion rate among US online shoppers is higher for desktop users than mobile users. According to the latest Insider Intelligence data, 3.8% of eCommerce website visits from a desktop ended up with a purchase. However, regarding smartphones, only 2.3% of eCommerce website visits result in a purchase.
Moreover, desktop users tend to spend more than mobile users. For example, the average order value among desktop users is over $120, while for mobile users is less than $85.
(Insider Intelligence)
16. Windows is the platform with the highest eCommerce conversion rates.
We have already learned that desktop computers lead to higher conversion rates than mobile devices. But what about the most popular platforms? You probably already guessed that Windows is the platform’s leader in conversion rates. With a rate of 4.9%, it’s way ahead of the rest.
Can you also guess what platform is the last one? It’s Linux, with a conversion rate of barely 0.02%.
If you are also curious about the other platforms, here are some interesting numbers that will make you think.
- Windows – 4.9%
- Mac – 3.8%
- Chrome – 2.9%
- Android – 1.8%
- iOS – 1.8%
- Linux – 0.02%
18. Mobile devices boast the lowest eCommerce conversion rates by device.
If you own an eCommerce business and want to see as high conversion rates as possible, it’s wise to adapt your platform to desktops. Desktop shoppers have the highest eCommerce conversion rate of 6.28% and the lowest at 3.98%. Both figures are impressive.
By comparison, Dynamic Yield data shows that mobile devices have the worst conversion rates, with the maximum being 3.73% and the minimum at 2.64%.
Finally, tablet devices are somewhere in the middle. During traditionally good periods for online shopping, their maximum conversion rates reach up to 5.75%, whereas the lowest points go down to 3.91%.
(Dynamic Yield)
18. Referrals note the highest eCommerce conversion rate by channel.
According to a Compass eCommerce Benchmark study on eCommerce conversion rates, referrals are the most successful channel. This segment is followed by email and direct traffic. If we analyze the average eCommerce conversion rate by channel of these three, the figures are 5.44%, 5.32%, and 2.16%.
The situation is similar if we shift focus to the top 25% of the online stores that participated in the study. Here, however, the conversion rates are much higher at 13.47% (referral), 10.16% (email), and 4.07% (organic).
Other popular channels that drive conversions, yet not that high, include Google Ads (1.42% average), Facebook (0.93% average), and social media (0.75% average).
(Compass eCommerce Benchmark)
19. Online shoppers prefer credit card payments.
One way to boost your eCommerce conversion rates is to ensure you offer preferred payment methods. According to a ResearchGate study, credit cards are the primary choice for 42% of online shoppers. They are followed by electronic payment methods (39%) and debit cards (28%).
Other popular options include cash on delivery (23%) and bank transfers (20%). Still, credit cards lead the way, thanks to their ease of use.
The same study reveals the most popular electronic payment wallets among US shoppers that drive high conversion rates. Most consumers prefer PayPal (76%), while other popular options include Amazon (24%) and VisaCheckout (15%). Other e-wallets like Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Android Pay are all popular among less than 15% of consumers.
So, businesses that want to ensure better eCommerce conversion rates should focus on offering credit cards and PayPal to get the best results.
20. PayPal transactions have 80% check-out conversion rates.
PayPal transactions have some of the highest check-out conversion rates ever witnessed. With a check-out conversion rate of almost 80%, PayPal is the leading payment method in the online retail industry. On the other hand, non-PayPal transactions have about a 46.4% check-out conversion rate.
eCommerce Conversion Rate Statistics by Industry
21. Food and beverage industry has the highest eCommerce conversion rate by industry.
Between August 2021 and July 2022, this industry noted the highest conversion rate of an impressive 7.48% in November 2021 and the lowest one of 5.02% in January 2022. Its latest rate was at 6%, down from 6.59% in June 2022.
(Dynamic Yield)
22. The fashion, accessories, and apparel industry’s eCommerce conversion rate generally moves between 3% and 4.5%.
In the period between August 2021 and July 2022, the lowest point for this sector was 3.12%, whereas the highest was 4.43%.
Unsurprisingly, the best rate was noted in November 2021, while the lowest was in February 2022. In July 2022, the conversion rate for the industry was 3.41%.
(Dynamic Yield)
23. The eCommerce conversion rate dropped in several industries between August 2021 and July 2022.
Dynamic Yield’s data reveals that the eCommerce conversion rates for some industries have dropped. Here are the insights we discovered.
- Home and Furniture went from 4.26% to 3.49%.
- Multi-brand retail went from 3.55% to 3.12%.
- Luxury and jewelry went from 1.46% to 1.25%
However, not all industries noted negative trends. In fact, most of the sectors covered by the report saw their conversion rates improve.
- Consumer goods went from 3.82% to 4.25%
- Pet care and veterinary services went from 2.92% to 3.56%.
- Fashion, accessories, and apparel went from 3.33% to 3.41%
- Food and beverage went from 5.56% to 6%.
- Beauty and personal care went from 2.75% to 4.45%.
(Dynamic Yield)
24. The cosmetic industry in France had a 32% conversion rate drop during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 heavily affected every industry in the world. However, when it comes to conversion rates, we witnessed the most unexpected change in 2020 in France.
During the pandemic’s peak, in March 2020, the online cosmetic industry experienced a decline in conversion rate and the total conversion from around 72% to 40%. While many industries have returned to their pre-pandemic conversion rates, others, like the cosmetic industry, still struggle to reach the same numbers.
25. The fitness industry has the highest conversion rate on Facebook.
While Facebook may not be the overall winner in conversation rates, some industries are thriving on this social media.
According to an interesting WebFX infographic, the fitness industry has an incredible 14% conversion rate on Facebook. That said, some industries should avoid Facebook marketing because of the low conversion rate.
When Facebook conversions are considered, the technology industry has only a 2.31% conversion rate.
So there you have it: the latest industry data on eCommerce conversion rates. We hope you found this article useful and that it has given you a good idea of what to expect from your eCommerce strategy.
If you have an eCommerce business, you should be cognizant of the fact that your customers are more informed than ever before. You have to make sure they know exactly what they’re getting into when they purchase from you and that they feel confident in their decision—or else they’ll go elsewhere.
If you’re looking for more information on how to improve your eCommerce Conversion Rate, we have a few suggestions:
- Make sure that your website is optimized for mobile devices. This will ensure that customers can easily find their way around your site on their phones.
- Create a dedicated landing page for each product or service that you sell. This will help customers quickly find what they’re looking for and increase the likelihood that they’ll purchase from you instead of going to another retailer.
- Use A/B testing to determine which elements of your site are most effective at increasing sales conversions. You may be surprised by what works best!
We know that the eCommerce industry is constantly changing and evolving, so we’ll keep an eye on the latest and greatest eCommerce conversion rate stats, and we’ll be sure to share them with you as they come up.
As always, if you have any questions or comments about any of these stats, please leave us a note via email.
Happy selling!
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