24 Ecommerce Email Marketing Statistics To Boost Your ROI 2025

Ecommerce Email Marketing Statistics

If you’re here, you’ve probably been looking for relevant eCommerce email marketing statistics.

It’s no secret that eCommerce is a booming business. More and more people are buying and selling products online, and they’re doing it more than ever before.

But while the industry is booming, one thing that’s not always clear is where to start when it comes to email marketing. What kind of content should you send? How often should you send it? And what kind of subject lines will make people open your emails?

You know how it goes: you’re trying to get more sales, but there’s just not enough information out there on what works and what doesn’t.

That’s why we’ve done all of the work for you—we’ve compiled the latest eCommerce email marketing statistics in one place, so you can focus on what matters most: growing your business.

Whether you’re looking for data on cart abandonment emails or open rates, this list has got it covered.

So what are you waiting for? Dive in!

Contents show

Email Marketing Market Statistics

1. In 2022, global e-mail marketing revenue is expected to reach $9.62 billion.

That’s an increase of 13.3% over the previous year, and this growth is expected to continue for the next few years. 

The numbers are huge! And this is just one more reason why you should make sure your company has an email marketing strategy in place. Once you have one, you can use email marketing software to help you reach and engage your customers.

According to estimations, the email marketing software market is expected to grow from $1.24 billion in 2021 to $2.53 billion in 2028, with a CAGR of 10.7%. The main driver behind email marketing is eCommerce’s increased demand for marketing campaigns.

By region, the largest player in the market is North America, with a 35.1% share. Email lead generation applications dominate the market, accounting for 25% of the revenues in the global and 29% in the US email marketing market.

(Statista, Fortune Business Insight)


2. There are 4.258 billion email users worldwide in 2022.

Future projections show that, by 2025, this number should increase to 4.594 billion.

Furthermore, statistics also reveal that 333.2 billion emails are sent out every day, and by 2025 the number of daily emails sent is expected to reach 376.4 billion.

Email marketing is the main reason the use of email keeps increasing in the era of social media. The clickthrough rate of emails in Belgium and Germany at 5.5% and 4.3%, respectively, is considerably higher than the global clickthrough rate of social media, 1.3%.



3. The ROI on email marketing in the eCommerce industry is $45 per $1 spent.

eCommerce has one of the highest returns on investment per $1 from email marketing, significantly higher than the average ROI of $36.

In comparison, the ROI per $1 spent on email marketing in the media and publishing industry is $32, $36 in the software and technology sector, and $42 in the marketing, PR, and advertising industry.



4. Email marketing campaigns account for 9% of the total traffic on eCommerce websites.

Most of the traffic on eCommerce websites is generated through organic and paid search, with 33% and 32% of the sessions being driven by these two mediums. While the 9% of traffic generated through email marketing is not that impressive, it is still 1% more than what social mediums generate.

Furthermore, statistics reveal that email marketing has the largest contribution to multi-channel eCommerce, where it accounts for 13% of the sessions. Another segment of eCommerce that has a significant benefit from email marketing is retail, where it accounts for 9% of the traffic.



General eCommerce Email Marketing Statistics

5. 44% of businesses use email marketing as a digital marketing strategy.

Email marketing is the third most commonly used digital marketing method, only topped by social marketing, which is used by 54% of companies, and digital advertising, used by 53%.

Additionally, 47% of the organizations that rely on email marketing say that it met or exceeded their expectations in terms of sales conversions.



6. eCommerce emails have one of the highest deliverability rates of 96%.

Only the emails sent by banks have a higher deliverability rate at 97%, while those sent by securities and entertainment companies have the same inboxing rate of 96%.

Furthermore, 95% of the emails sent in the beauty and travel industries are delivered, while the media and publishing sector has the worst email deliverability rate of 88%.

(Netcore Cloud)


7. The email unsubscribe churn for eCommerce businesses is 338 per 100,000 users.

This churn rate places the eCommerce industry somewhere in the middle. It is far from the telecom industry, which undoubtedly has the lowest email unsubscribe churn rate, with only 22 per 100,000 users.

On the other hand, it is still much better than entertainment companies, which lose the most customers through unsubscribing, with the highest churn of 979 per 100,000 users.

(Netcore Cloud)


8. 36% of retailers invest more than 11% of their digital marketing budget into email marketing.

The only two digital marketing channels to which a larger portion of online retailers dedicate more than 11% of their budgets are paid search, with 41%, and search engine listing ads, with 38%.

However, the largest percentage of online retailers, or 67%, believe email marketing to be the most effective digital marketing method they used the previous year, while paid search and search engine listing ads are just below it, with 60% and 58%.

In addition, 25% of eCommerce businesses place email marketing among the top three marketing tactics for acquiring new customers.

(Digital Commerce 360)


9. 83.7% of the top 1,000 online retailers use email to connect with their shoppers.

According to the latest survey, email marketing remains the most popular digital marketing method, used by the largest share (83.7%) of the best eCommerce businesses. In comparison, social media ads are the second most used by 65.8% of these companies.

Additionally, other popular digital marketing techniques are paid search on desktop, used by 63.4%, and paid search on mobile, which is used by 59.4% of them. 57.7% of these businesses rely on display ads, 56.9% on content marketing, and 52% use product listing ads on Google or Bing for their digital marketing strategy.

(Digital Commerce 360)


10. More than half, or 56.91% of the top 1,000 online retailers, invest between 0.1% and 20% of their marketing budget in email marketing.

More precisely, 31,71% only invest between 0.1% and 10%, while 25.20% dedicate between 10.01% and 20% of their digital marketing funds towards email marketing. Additionally, 17.89% invest between 20.01% and 30, and the remaining 25.2% allocate between 30.01% and 80% of their digital marketing money to emails.

(Digital Commerce 360)


11. 34.96% of the top 1,000 online retailers agree that email marketing gives them the best return on investment.

The above figure accounts for by far the biggest portion of the best eCommerce businesses. Amazon ads are in second place, with only 15.45% of these companies saying they brought them the best ROI.

In addition, social media ads delivered the best ROI for 11.38%, paid search on desktop for 7.32%, and content marketing for 4.88% of the top 1,000 retailers. Some marketing channels like mobile app download ads, video ads, and YouTube ads got 0% of the companies saying they give the best ROI.

Unsurprisingly, 37.82% of these businesses also say they want to increase their email marketing budgets for the following year.

(Digital Commerce 360)


12. Email is the preferred pre-purchase method of contact for 57% of consumers.

In contrast, only 15% prefer being contacted through online ads, while 14% prefer receiving mail.

Similarly, an equal percentage of consumers prefer being contacted via email post-purchase as well, however, 27% would rather receive a text, and 9% favor face-to-face communication.

Regarding contacting customer service, 48% prefer to do it by email, 25% by text, and 20% of consumers would like to speak to it on the phone.



13. 75% of consumers say they like to receive emails on discounts and offers.

In addition, 61% say they appreciate e-receipts, while 58% say they value emails with announcements on new products and sales from brands. Moreover, the average consumer owns 2.5 email addresses, but only 57% of consumers read more than the emails they receive.

According to 24% of the consumers, Amazon sends the best emails, and an equal percentage of 9% favor the emails sent by eBay and Mark and Spencer.

Unfortunately, the largest share of consumers, or 49%, can’t think of a brand that does email marketing well enough for them.



14. The average number of monthly email marketing campaigns in eCommerce businesses is 11.

Deals and e-coupons brands conduct the largest number of email marketing campaigns per month, with 36 monthly campaigns on average.

Security companies also have a high frequency of monthly email campaigns, with 26, while organizations in the education and the media and publishing sectors only carry out one email marketing campaign per month, on average.

(Netcore Cloud)


eCommerce Email Marketing Success Rate Statistics

15. The average open rate of eCommerce marketing emails is 15.68%.

The above figure is considerably lower than the average marketing email open rate across all industries, which is 21.33%.

In fact, the only two industries with a worse rate are vitamin supplements, with 15.03%, and daily deals and coupons, with 15.06%. In comparison, the open rate of marketing emails sent by government or religious institutions is remarkably higher, at 28.77% and 27.62%, respectively.

(Mail Chimp)


16. eCommerce marketing emails get an average click rate of 2.01%.

The average click rate for marketing emails across all industries is 2.62%, which means eCommerce emails get slightly lower than the average click rate.

While it is nowhere near the 4.62% click rate of media and publishing, it is still higher than that one of several other industries, including restaurants (1.34%), vitamin supplements (1.62%), real estate (1.77%), beauty and personal care (1.92%), and public relations (1.98%).

(Mail Chimp)


17. Only 0.19% of eCommerce marketing emails get hard bounced.

The hard bounce rate of eCommerce marketing emails is among the lowest and considerably lower than all industries’ average of 0.40%. Similarly, eCommerce marketing emails get a low soft bounce rate as well, at 0.26%, while the average soft bounce rate for all industries is 0.58%.

Finally, the eCommerce marketing emails unsubscribe rate is 0.27%, which is very close to the average across all sectors, at 0.26%.

(Mail Chimp)


18. Cart abandonment emails boost sales by 4.43% across all eCommerce sectors.

These type of emails are the most successful in fashion and jewelry eCommerce, where they successfully uplift 6.38% and 5.24% of sales. Additionally, they boost 4.65% of sales in sports and outdoors, 4.11% in health and beauty, and 3.97% of the sales in groceries.

Cart abandonment emails are successful because statistics show that 87% of consumers who leave their carts would reconsider their purchase.

(Sale Cycle)


19. The landing page conversion rate from email marketing for retail businesses is 2.31%.

The retail industry has one of the worst landing page conversion rates, only higher than the conversion rate of agencies at 2.22% and restaurants at 2.11%. On the other hand, sectors like publishing and non-profit have significantly landing page conversion higher rates, at 38.32% and 31.08%, respectively.

Another statistic that stands out when looking at the retail conversion rates is that almost all businesses, or 95,20%, use single opt-in in their subscription process.

(Get Response)


20. Welcome messages have the highest conversion rate of 51.94% of all automated emails in eCommerce.

Automated emails in eCommerce statistics further reveal that cart abandonment emails have a conversion rate of 33.89%, while the conversion rate for lapsed-purchaser emails is 21.27%.

Furthermore, post-purchase emails have a conversion rate of 18.21%, for product abandonment emails, the conversion rate is 17.35%, and for browser abandonment, it is 17.32%.

Finally, automated birthday emails have the lowest conversion rate of 10.57%.



21. The best email marketing campaigns in eCommerce have an open rate of 36.92%.

According to the statistics, Friday is the best day of the week for getting good engagement email marketing campaigns, for eCommerce, but for most of the other industries as well.

The subject line that is the most successful is “A Note From Our CEO.”

What’s interesting is that the eCommerce sector is the only one where Wednesday is the worst day of the week for reaching customers.

(Netcore Cloud)


Top 100 eCommerce Sites Email Marketing Statistics

22. 87% of the top 100 eCommerce sites send welcome emails.

The largest percentage, or 44% of the top 100 eCommerce businesses, send only one welcome email, while 34% send two welcome emails to their customers. However, there are also 17% that send three welcome emails, and 5% send four or more.

Interestingly, only 26% of the top 100 eCommerce sites include a discount in their welcome emails. Of those that do, 73% offer their customers a percentage discount, 19% give them dollar-off discounts, and 8% offer them free gifts.



23. Only 50% of the top 100 eCommerce businesses send cart abandonment emails.

Of those that do, 30% send only one, while the majority, or 46%, send two cart abandonment emails. Another 14% send three, 8% send four, and 2% send five or more emails.

Moreover, 88% of the top 100 eCommerce sites agree that visual reminders make a strong impression, so they include an image of the abandoned product in the cart abandonment emails. However, only one in four of these businesses offer a discount in the cart abandonment emails they send to their customers.



24. 57% of the top 100 eCommerce companies send email marketing blasts to newly registered users.

Top 100 eCommerce site statistics show that 42% of the companies that send email blasts to new users send between two and five emails per blast. Another 26% send only one email, while 25% send between six and ten emails. There are also 7% of companies that send 11 or more emails when making blasts.

According to these statistics, the average number of emails the best eCommerce businesses send per blast is 4.7.




Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of the power of email marketing and some ways to start implementing it into your eCommerce business.

Whether you are just getting started or have been doing it for years, there are definitely things that can be improved upon. Keep experimenting with different strategies and see what works best for your brand, and don’t be afraid to test new ideas – after all, that is one of the greatest strengths of email marketing!

Stay tuned for more insights, and don’t forget to share this article with your team if you think they could benefit from it too!

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