8 Types of Brand Names to Shape Your Identity

Types of Brand Names

Creating a name for a brand can be a daunting task. Your entire company will be known by the name you choose, and that can be a lot of pressure. There are many options to choose from and it can be seemingly impossible to determine which name would be best.

If you are trying to decide what to name your brand, then you have come to the right place! There are eight common types of brand names, and we’ll explore the ideas and uses for each of them below. If you are having a difficult time creating a name for your brand (or just want to see what has worked for other people) then you will want to continue reading.

1. Historical

The first type of brand name is historical. Historical brand names are used when naming the company after a historical figure. Although the company has nothing to do with this historical figure, it can still be used to indicate support.

History is filled with great people that have done great things – we owe much of our development of civilization to them. If a well-known person in history has inspired the founder in some way, then a historical brand name may be used.

Something to consider when naming your company after a historical figure is knowing how the public will perceive this message. By naming your company after a person, it is a clear indication that you support their ideas and values.

If the historical figure you choose is known to be problematic or controversial, then it may not be the best idea to name your company after them.

Before choosing a historical figure to name your company after, ensure they are known for their strong morals. Do not pick somebody if your company does not support the things they have done.

An example of a historical brand name is Lincoln Motor Company, which was named after President Lincoln.

There are few opportunities in business to make a really big impact. That’s why founders have to think hard about whether naming their company after a well-known historical figure is the right decision. It might be wise to name your company after a person who has had a significant impact on the world or a particular industry.

Here are the advantages of naming your company after a historical figure:

  • It suggests the company has longevity as historical brand names last long
  • A historical brand name invokes respect in customers
  • They make your business seem more credible
  • Historical brand names are memorable
  • These names have a lot of historical value
  • Historical brand names can be found in all categories and are more likely to be memorable
  • The name can put across a feeling of classiness


2. Acronyms

The second type of brand name is acronyms. An acronym is made from the first letter of a series of words that makes up a phrase, which then becomes a brand name.

Acronyms are commonly used to shorten a descriptive name. Oftentimes, however, the acronym has seemingly no meaning. When acronyms do not have a clear meaning, it can be difficult for customers to remember them.

If you want customers to remember your company, then you will want to ensure your acronym has a meaning and will stick with your customers. Otherwise, it may be forgotten. 

A good example of an acronym brand name is GEICO, which stands for Government Employees Insurance Company. GEICO is the perfect acronym as it forms a new, shorter word for a customer to remember. In addition, they have a gecko as the face of the company, which makes the brand name easy to remember.

A lot of companies nowadays have acronyms as their brand names. But while it might be tempting to choose an acronym as your brand name, you need to ask yourself if is it really good for your business.

Although many people don’t believe it, brands with names made of acronyms or made by joining several words are really common right now. And they should be because there are a lot of cool things about having an acronym as your brand name. Here are the benefits of having an acronym as your brand name:

  • Acronyms are very easy to remember because they have fewer letters than a conventional term
  • The keywords that the acronym contains are usually drawn from word roots and therefore their meaning can be interpreted more easily than non-acronyms
  • It gives you a sense of authority
  • You get social media shares easily as users need fewer characters to type the name
  • The name is easier to fit into all forms of advertising, marketing, and communication methods
  • An acronym makes the brand name intriguing and unique:
  • The brand name can be used as a hashtag while promoting your brand on social media


3. Misspelled

The third type of brand name is misspelled. Having a slight variation in the spelling of a word can create a brand new, unique name for your company.

However, misspelling your brand name can be tricky. Only do it when you think it is fitting, as it can sometimes be seen as unprofessional. That being said, even professional companies can misspell the name of their brand, as long as it is done correctly.

Misspelling should not be done excessively. Do not change the original word too much as this can lead to confusion for all your customers. However, when customers see a misspelled name, they are more likely to remember it. This is great for your business and it should definitely be considered.

An example of a misspelled brand name is Blu-ray, as it misspells the word “blue”.

The wave of misspelled brand names is growing day by day. It started with brands like Flickr, Tumblr, Fiverr, etc. Then, small businesses started to capitalize on this trend by adding a letter or two to their brand name. Now, even big companies are taking advantage of the positive effects misspelling your name can have on marketing.

Now, we’ll look at the benefits of using an intentionally misspelled word as your brand name.

  • The name breaks from the norm and creates unique value
  • Sometimes improves memorability of your name because of the way it is spelled
  • The misspelled name can spark conversation and capture interest
  • The incorrect spelling takes on a mysterious life of its own
  • Sensational spelling will help you stand out
  • This brand naming technique helps avoid trademarks and exploits a freshness factor


4. Alphanumeric

The fourth type of brand name is alphanumeric. This means that brands use a combination of letters and numbers in their name. They can be great to use as there is an infinite number of brand names that can be used when using both letters and numbers. When wanting a unique brand name, using an alphanumeric type is the way to go.

Similar to acronyms, alphanumeric names can be difficult as they can be meaningless to the customer. If the name consists of too many numbers, then the customer cannot be expected to remember it.

An example of an alphanumeric brand name is 7UP, as it contains both letters and numbers.

Most business owners prefer to create a simple and effective name as their brand identity. This can be done either by keeping the word parts to make it more unique or by using some cool tricks with numbers and letters.

There are numerous benefits to using an alphanumeric name for your brand, product, or service. Here is a list of benefits for using an alphanumeric brand name as opposed to just words.

  • An alphanumeric brand name has the major benefit of uniqueness and memorability
  • Alphanumeric names are much more versatile than a descriptive brand name
  • Using numbers and letters in your brand name can appeal to everyone in a diverse audience
  • It IS easy to trademark the name
  • The name will stand out so it will be easier to grab attention


5. Founding

The fifth type of brand name is founding. This occurs when the company is named after the person who founded it. This is extremely common and is done more often than you may think.

Many of the greatest brands in history have been named after the founder. Some of your favorite brands are named after their founders, and you may not even know it.

If you’re naming a company after yourself, ensure your name is not too difficult to spell or pronounce. Naming a company after the founder is a pretty safe idea, especially if it is not a difficult name.

An example of a founding brand name is Adidas, as it is named after the founder Adi Dassler.

The following are some of the benefits of naming your company after the founder:

  • The name has a personal touch and helps to establish a personal brand
  • Sets the founders as trustworthy
  • It helps to show gratitude to the founder
  • People have a tendency to associate a company with its founder’s name, which in turn can help build trust around the brand
  • It helps employees to believe in the mission and vision of the company and makes it easy to communicate with them
  • It gives a sense of continuity and identity to the company
  • It simplifies the branding process
  • The name gives an identity to the company
  • It allows everyone to use the founder’s name and reputation


6. Lexical

The sixth type of brand name is lexical. Lexical brand names use wordplay and are usually playful. They are typically nonprofessional, but most companies who use them are okay with this.

An example of a lexical brand name is Krispy Kreme, as it uses alliteration to make it easy to remember.

The advantages of using a lexical brand name are as follows:

  • A lexical brand name is a very catchy one
  • It is a great motivator for your consumer base
  • It draws attention in the right kind of way
  • It will be remembered by the customers and they can tell others about it too
  • Lexical brand names are generally easy to pronounce
  • They lead to wider brand awareness and stronger brand identity
  • The names are short and snappy to say or spell making life smooth for consumers
  • Reduces the risk of litigation
  • Enables word-of-mouth advertising because of high recall value and high association value


7. Invented

The seventh type of brand name is invented. This occurs when a company creates its own word for its name. A new company relies on creativity, so why should this stop with the name?

If you cannot find the perfect name for your brand, then there is nothing stopping you from creating your own! Fostering creativity is an important part of any company, and this is evident in companies that have invented names.

Make sure you pay attention to the sound and connotations of your made-up word since many people form associations with certain sounds and combinations.

An example of an invented brand name is Pixar, as this was not a word before the company.

Since the use of invented words began in the late 1990s, many businesses have started choosing them as their brand names. There are many benefits that can be achieved just by using an invented word as a brand name:

  • The name creates a unique identity for your brand
  • Make it easier to use from a search engine optimization (SEO) perspective
  • Avoid obstacles such as trademarking issues
  • Consumers relate better to invented words with positive connotations
  • It is easy to reach a global market and is safer for cultural variations
  • The made-up word can stand on its own as a brand name
  • Invented words are less likely to be counterfeited


8. Descriptive

The eighth type of brand name is descriptive. This occurs when companies use a name that describes the product they are producing or the service they are serving.

This is a common type of brand name, as it directly describes what they are offering the customer. It eliminates the element of confusion and everyone is benefited from it.

An example of a descriptive brand name is Bank of America, as it says in the name that they are a bank.

A descriptive brand name is a company name that tells right away what it does or who they are. Many businesses have found that a descriptive brand name is better than a made-up or arbitrary brand name.

Let’s look at the benefits associated with descriptive brand names:

  • Consumers look for descriptive brand names when they are shopping
  • Common, ordinary, simple, word-based, descriptive brand names are more recognizable than unusual or coined brand names
  • The brand gets the advantage of any trend using existing words
  • Consumers are more likely to be able to pronounce your brand name when it is descriptive
  • The name gives a clear idea of what business does


Conclusion: Types of Brand Names

When you name your business, it’s important that you have a name that embodies the brand you’re trying to create. There are essentially the above-mentioned types of brand names to consider.

No one can say exactly what type makes a good brand name. The brand names that do work are consistently able to appeal to customers’ emotions and imagination. Make sure you follow this advice as you brainstorm your own brand names, or when you assist your team with naming one of your next big ideas. 

Well, we hope you’ve found this post beneficial! A good thing to do is to ensure your brand name is in harmony with all of your other branding elements and it catches potential customers’ attention. It’s the first impression and it’s vital to get it right.

Thanks for reading this article. If you like this post, feel free to share it with your friends. Also, if you have any questions regarding naming companies or creating brands in general, don’t be shy to drop us an email. We’re always there to help you in any way we can!

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